TWENTY... i should've stayed in bed

Start from the beginning

Collins pursed her lips, trying to fight the grin off her face before accepting defeat; why even try to hide it? She wanted JJ to know exactly how happy that made her. "Five more minutes." She relented, before she tumbled into bed once again.

JJ laughed victoriously, enveloping her in his arms while she exclaimed in surprise, before immediately resting comfortably with his chin on her shoulder, his body spooned against hers. "Did you sleep okay?" He asked her inquisitively, a shot of doubt crossing his mind that maybe she didn't enjoy sleeping with him as much as he did. What if she was cursing every second she spent laying with him in that moment?

"I slept like a baby." She answered, and there was a rush of relief that overcame JJ.

Collins held his arm while it was draped over her waist and stroked the back of his forearm absentmindedly with the knuckles of her hand. If they really did lay there for more than five minutes, she was sure to fall asleep. Something about the weight of his body resting on hers just gave her this sense of security that made falling asleep so easy; like nothing could hurt her so long as she was behind this shield.

The same could be said from JJ as he felt himself slowly drift off back into his slumber. It was too good to end so abruptly. This was the best form of therapy than anything money could buy. After all of the shit they'd endured (while mostly because of him), it was the perfect way to end the day and he never wanted it to end. He could smell whatever product she put in her hair to make it so soft and smell so good. It was a comforting smell, a smell that was now imprinted in his brain and he'd think of it whenever he felt like he needed to think back on this moment. If he ever lost control like he did the day before, this moment would ground him.

"We have to get up, JJ. For real this time." Collins said with reluctance.

The blond haired boy took deep breath before moving sluggishly to sit up with Collins before he felt her depart. "Can we at least do this again?" He asked her, his eyes hopeful.

Chuckling softly, Collins nodded. "Sure, but I can't guarantee when I'll be able to. I still have a bed of my own, you know?"

"Yeah, but imagine how much better you'll sleep if we keep this thing going. A good night's rest is important for optimal brain function, which you know you'd need given the career path you're on." As JJ finally got up onto his feet, Collins was able to see his shirtless chest in natural light.

While attractively sculpted, it was painted with bruises that she hated seeing each and every time she laid eyes on them. Her gaze lingered on them for only a few seconds before she tore them away and turned her body around so that she didn't have to look at them any longer.

"I'm gonna go see what the rest of the house is up to." She left while JJ was throwing a shirt on over his head, exiting one room to enter another.

As she checked the place out, she saw that the futon that Kie had slept on, was now just a pile of blankets and a pillow with no body to rest over. The kitchen was empty, the glass of water she'd drank from was still left on the counter, abandoned. The front porch was where she looked next, remembering the place she'd seen Pope drop down and fall asleep at. Only, it wasn't Pope who occupied the room, it was Kie, who sat in the wicker chair with one leg tucked close to her chest.

She glanced up upon Collins's arrival, and her expression was overtaken by a knowing smile, which Collins couldn't help but roll her eyes at while fighting off the urge to flash one herself.

"Well someone's got some explaining to do." Kie teased, as if the whole thing hadn't been her idea in the first place.

Taking the seat next to her, Collins just shook her head. "You are unbelievable, you know that?"

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