"Merlin help us. They're going to be as bad as Claire and Harry," Sirius laughed.

"Are we sure there's no other place he can sleep? Like the couch? Or the floor?" Regulus questioned, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"He could sleep outside," Claire added. Regulus nodded and pointed at her in agreement, giving a thumbs up. Remus and Sirius both rolled their eyes, Sirius grinning while Remus looked stone-faced.

"His bed is already in the room," Sirius reminded his brother, who shrugged.

After they are, Regulus went back to his room while the other three sat in the small living room to wait for Harry. Remus was the first to fall asleep, Sirius not long after. Claire just watched random TV shows until a pop was heard outside. She grabbed her wand and threw a pillow at Sirius' face, making him jump awake and fall off the couch with a loud thud. Remus jumped up at the loud noise, blindly pointing his wand around. Claire giggled at the two men, who looked upset to be woken up, Sirius wrapping himself in the blanket.

"Someone is outside. Harry must be here."

The two men sleepily nodded, hurrying to fix their disheveled appearance before they raised their wands and started walking towards the door. Claire kept watching the Muggle show Friends, faintly hearing the voices of Harry and Professor Dumbledore. The professor didn't stay long, allowing Harry to make his way into the living room to find Claire. He sat down next to her and put his head on her shoulder, letting her pat his head.

"I know," Claire said softly, placing a kiss on his forehead. "Just watch this show with me. I think you're a Ross."

"That's mean, Claire," Sirius laughed. Claire grinned and shrugged. Remus and Sirius went back to their room after telling Harry where he would be sleeping and making sure he was comfortable. The two teens didn't need to talk about what happened to Harry with his aunt and uncle, just watching the show.

"That really is an insult. Ross is the worst," Harry complained after a few episodes.

"I know."

Harry flicked Claire off from where he was laying across the couch. Claire grinned and flicked him off as well. They both perked up and peaked over the back of the couch when they heard someone in the kitchen.

"Why do they have so much fucking chocolate in this house? Do they not eat normal food?"

Harry sent Claire an inquisitive look and she just grinned. He looked a little worried, but he knew that Claire wouldn't be so calm if there was a problem.

"Hey, Reggie! Come meet your roommate!" Claire called softly. Regulus stuck his head out from the kitchen, making eye contact with Harry long enough to nod and then he went back into the kitchen, the sounds of opening cabinets echoing through the house. Claire rolled her eyes and got up, pulling Harry with her. Regulus barely looked over his shoulder at the two.

"You're Regulus Black!" Harry gasped, his eyes wide.

"No shit," Regulus snorted. Claire threw a chocolate frog at him, but be caught it, sending Claire a wink. Regulus ignored Harry, moving past him to get a cup.

"But...you're dead," Harry sputtered out.

"Was dead," Regulus corrected. Harry looked to Claire for answers, but she just shrugged.

"I don't understand."

"We don't fully either, but let's ignore that because I'm hungry and tired," Regulus said, shoving past Harry without looking at him and slamming his door shut. Harry just sighed because the amount of crazy things that have happened have made him a little desensitized.

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