Autumn Turns to Winter

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The halls of Cair Paravel echoed with life as servants and nobles alike scurried about the brightly decorated corridors.

Glittering bows and frosted evergreen garland stretched as far as the eye could see, adding to the spirit of celebration that filled the air.

Silk skirts swishing, Queen Lucy dashed over the marble stone, her heart pounding faster with every step. Slowing her pace, Lucy took a second to catch her breath and smooth her delicate curls before slipping around the corner.

The ceremony didn't start for another hour still - but she couldn't wait. For all of the magic in Narnia, this day felt the most magical of all.

The solid oak ballroom doors stood majestic and imposing before her, their intricately carved imagery feeling as real and alive as ever. Fauns dancing around fires, dryads bending near to watch, fairies fluttering like stars, all coming together in an effigy of this very night.

To her surprise, Lucy saw no guards before the doors and glancing around, took this moment of solitude to disappear behind the grand entrance.

Eyes squeezed shut in the thrill of expectation, Lucy took a deep breath and turned to face the grand ballroom.

What met her gaze stole her breath away.

A towering balsam fir tree seemed to fill the whole room, its height reaching halfway to the cathedral ceiling, its brightly lit branches an expanse of rich green warmth. It's earthy-sweet aroma tickled Lucy's senses as she breathed it all in.

A serene smile ghosted at the corners of Lucy's lips as she drank in the essence around her.

"Taking it all in before the crazy?" an earnest voice hummed behind her.

"I'll never be able to take in enough." She sighed back wistfully.

"I know what you mean." Edmund said, tiptoeing up beside her.

They stood together in silence sharing in the wonder around them.

"I was talking to Tumnus just a moment ago..." Edmund voiced distantly, as though he were lost in the depths of the Great Forest.

"About?" Lucy queried at her brother's silence.

"Tonight." He returned matter-of-factly. A faint sigh escaped over his lips before his face lit up with a smile. "Redemption. That's what tonight is about. That's what all this is about." He continued, gesturing about the room with fervor. "In less than an hour we celebrate not just victory over the rule of evil...we celebrate victory over our fear, over our lies, over our weaknesses. Winter is no longer a season of mourning but a reminder...a symbol of life and freedom."

Lucy gazed up at her brother with pride. The troubled young boy of the past existed no more, replaced with a young man filled with assurance.

"Transformation." Lucy finally whispered. "That is what we celebrate tonight. The night autumn turns to winter is a tribute to transformation."

Ed smiled down at Lucy, the twinkles of excitement dancing in his soft brown eyes.

Before Edmund could open his mouth to say more, the ballroom doors were thrown open and thunderous cheers reverberated throughout the hall.

Peter and Susan stood at the apex of the crowd, faces glowing with awe and joy.

Moving to the front of the room Peter bounded up the platform before the tree and raised his hands.

The buzz of excited voices hushed as Peter began, his resonant voice filling the room.

"Friends! Tonight we gather to remember."

Lucy looked about the room as her eldest brother spoke. Men nodded their heads resolutely. Children looked on intently, their eyes filled with wonder. Mothers listened with grateful smiles.

"Not in solemnity, do we remember..." Peter continued, "but in jubilation! For winter no longer carries the sting of death. The cold is no longer consumed with bitterness. For by the power of Aslan and the strength of its people, Narnia now rejoices in sweet transformation. Transformation birthed in redemption."

Lucy, Susan and Edmund gathered around the high king as Tumnus brought forth a torch.

The crowd parted in two as the ballroom doors opened a second time. Whispers filled the room as the bronzen cauldron was processioned before the people.

"People of Narnia!" Edmund urged, grasping the torch and raising it for all to see, "This fire shall burn 'til the first day of spring; its light a symbol to the world that victory is ours."

As the torch descended upon the cauldron, every voice joined together, the power of their unity rumbling throughout the land.

"And with this fire we stand to remember - tonight as autumn turns to winter."

On cue, the cauldron burst with light, its roaring blaze illuminating every earnest face.

At this the palace erupted in roarious cheers.

Amidst the joyful chaos, Lucy caught Edmunds gaze and beamed.

"And autumn turns to winter."

Narnia Winter Writing ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now