"not very funny lor," neco snapped.

"nah you know i'm funny,"

"that was too far lor."

"yeah alright but im not sorry."

"maybe i should go back to nottingham," said neco.

"ok ok i'll shut up. so let's talk about the fact that you literally beat one of the best teams in the world like what?" exclaimed lorelai.

"yeah i know that was mad."

"wanna come to do the rounds with me?" asked neco.

"yeah alright."

lorelai had been walking around for ages. well that's what it felt like to her. she'd gotten bored of meeting too many people she had no clue about the name of them and decided she'd had enough.

"i'm gonna go and find haley," said lorelai to neco as they had reached a new group of people.

"you sure you don't want me to come?"

"nah it's fine i'll see you in a bit," she replied.

she manoeuvred her way around groups of people trying to get through.

i thought curtis said this was a small party.

she found herself stuck going down the corridor pushing and shoving through people to try and get her way past. when she quickly looked up to check where she was going, she froze in the spot at the sight.

she saw him.

it had been a long time that she hadn't see him and today she finally did. she saw his messy mop of hair on his head, the one she had always told him to get. the grin on his face made memories come flooding back to her of all their time together. the sound of his laughter was one of the the things that pained her the most. she had gone from hearing it everyday to never again. his laugher once again bought back memories of when they used to spend every time they had together tangled up in each others arms laughing, watching the football or playing fifa. but all of that was over now. just as quick as the memories came, was just as quick as how she wanted to block them from her head. it pained her to think about it especially considering he was in her view.

she missed the quick turn of his head which caused him to lock eyes with her.

that made everything worse. his eyes were her favourite part about him. he always used to make fun of her for it teases her about how it was soppy. it made her love them about him even more than she had.

she quickly regained composure when she realised what was happening and started walking in the opposite direction to get out of there.

in simple terms trent was getting bored. he couldn't really be bothered to be here. it didn't feel runny considering how shit liverpool had been playing at the moment and the fact that he felt it was partly his fault. he didn't want to let it on but it had been affecting him. he didn't know what was going on and he hated it. he hated not knowing. he still came to the party because it was still one of his best mates birthdays but he wasn't his self.

she didn't normally prop up in his thoughts as much as she had been now. he knew he missed her. he missed everything about her. he craved her so badly that he wished he could go back and do it all over again.

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