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Robby stood next to Kenny who was going off the dummy pissed off about something and Keene looked at Kenny confused and pissed at what he told him

Robby: So they stole all your clothes?

Jack: Who stole whose clothes?

Jack walked over to them and Robby looked at him sighed

Robby: His bullies stole his clothes.

Kenny: *Stops punching* I can't take any more of their crap. I'm ready to use my training.

Jack: And what do you think you're going to do? 

Kenny: I'm gonna do what you guys do. Kick their asses.

Robby: I got kicked out of school and landed in juvie.

Jack: I got expelled from my last school which was back in long beach for beating the shit out of the principal's son. Now you see *Points at Robby and himself* we both learned from our mistakes.

Robby: Yeah, you got to be smarter than us and your brother. Fight smart.

Jack: Do what I do. Pick them out one by one

Kenny nodded and both Silver and Kreese walked out from the office

Kreese: Class, fall in.

They all lined up and both Kreese and Silver had smiles on their faces

Kreese: Today we have a very important lesson, don't we, Sensei Silver?

Silver: Yes, we do. Weakness.

Kreese: Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible.

Silver: At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistake we all have one.

Tory: Sensei Kreese, doesn't.

Silver: Of course he does, we all have one...

Kreese looked at Silver for a moment before looking back to the students and Silver continued

Silver: Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it?

The students nod and Silver clapped his hands

Silver: All right. Prepare for combat.

The others walked away to get ready and Kreese turned to  Silver

Kreese: Care to make this interesting?

Silver: What do you have in mind?

Kreese: Well, we each choose a fighter. Six pack of brews to the winner.

Silver: I like it. May the best Sensei win.

He patted him on the shoulder and walked away

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