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My melody, it's you and me
Oh so sweet, this harmony
My melody, this feels so real
Oh so sweet, making memories

This song. The very favorite song of an eight-year-old girl. She would sing this song all day without a care in the world. For this would be the song that will get her first place in her school's talent show.

The song came from a popular kids cartoon that every child was watching. The girl replayed the single episode with this song in it. She'd dance and twirl and sing in front of the TV as if it was her who was on stage singing the tune.

But her mother had had enough.

With the press of a button, the TV turned off as her mother stood in front of it and looked down on her.

"What's the matter with you? How long are you going to live in your fantasy and listen to this stupid song?! Enough already! Go in your room and do your homework. Do you see your sister playing around like this? God!"

The girl trembled. Tears welling in her eyes, she started to cry silently when her father who overheard the scolding came in the living room to voice his opinion.

"Hunny, she's just practicing for the talent show. She's not just playing around," her father defended her.

"What talent show? With whose permission?"


"You can't make these decisions without me! See, this is why I can't stand you!"

They started arguing, again. The girl ran to her room because she knew that her parents were about to fight as per usual. She covered her ears as soon as she closed her door.

A week had flown by and the night of the talent show had come. She was already so nervous and was intimidated by her competitors. She didn't get a chance to practice at all ever since that day. Her mother had taken away her TV privileges and she could have barely practiced at school with everyone all wanting to practice their own performances.

It all felt so unreal.

Her time had come and she walked to the center of the stage. Curtains were opened, bright lights surrounded her and all eyes focused on the little girl who was about to sing.

Her heart began pounding loudly as her eyes zoomed across the audience to find her family. Her sister was cheering her on, her father was smiling, but her mother was on the phone and paying her no mind.

The music had started and when it was time for her to sing, she opened her mouth but no words came out.

She forgot the lyrics of the song she used to listen to endlessly. She froze up when she realized that the first verse had already passed.

What was once her dream instantly became her biggest nightmare.

The mic slipped past her fingers and she ran off the stage in fright.

Where was she going? She didn't know.

All she knew was that she definitely was not getting first place.

Our Symphony [ Luka x FemReader ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora