“Tommy can you carry this”

My little sister tugged on my shirt. 


I picked up her box along with another of mine and carried them both upstairs.

By the time the pizza arrived most of our boxes were in our rooms where they belonged. 

“This is a good dinner dear,” my father joked. 

“I knew you’d like it,” she jested back

I rolled my eyes at their conversation at least my sisters were having more fun wearing their pizza as the cheese stretched with each bite causing sauce and topping to fall in their laps.  I quickly downed two pieces of pizza

“Going to unpack,” I called throwing my paper plate in the trash and hurrying out the door before they could say anything. 

Once again the eerie silence filled my dark room with a click the light switch flipped illuminating the area.  Placing the first box on my bed I started the mundane task of unpacking.  A short while later my sisters came bounding up the stairs each going into her room…filling the silence that once reigned supreme.  Ignoring the chatter of my sisters I continued to hang the clothes in my closet.

“Girls get ready for bed”

My mother’s voice echoed through the house once the clock struck nine. 

“K mom,” the girls called in unison. 

Sometimes I thought it might be nice to have a twin someone to always play with as a child, but as they argued over who got the new pink toothbrush I realized; I was glad I wasn’t one.  Shaking my head I pushed the door shut to drown out the sound of their arguing.  My mother rushed upstairs to break up the skirmish.

Once I was sure my sisters were in bed I opened my door again listening to the creaking of the old house as it settled in for the night.  I plopped down on my newly made bed wrinkling the covers; I had enough unpacking for one day and wanted to relax a little.

This is so frustrating instead of the sound of cars driving down the road I get crickets chirping.  Instead of sirens I get dogs barking. 

I rolled over looking at the bright red numbers of my alarm clock 11:19.

I should try to get some sleep

I drug myself out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for my first night in the new house. 


I had just gargled my mouth when someone screamed.  Quickly spitting I ran from the bathroom down the creaking stairs listening, trying to pinpoint the exact location.


I heard again this time accompanied by the sounds of two metal objects being smashed together.

“What’s gong on?” I heard behind me

Instinctively I turned and swung my fist connecting with something hard. 

“Sport it’s just me,”

My father was holding a baseball bat out in front of him

“Dad, I think you broke my hand,” I said shaking it, which only increased the throbbing.

“Do you know who’s screaming?” I asked



Rang through the house once more as the banging also continued. Looking at each other we continued down the dark hall towards the kitchen the floorboards groaning beneath our feet.  My father clicked on the light as we entered the room; just as we left it boxes piled up everywhere. 


I jumped as something hit the floor from beneath. 

“What’s going on?” I asked in a voice so squeaky it couldn’t have possibly come from my mouth.


The voice once again sounded Clang rang through the house as the metal object hit each other again.


My father pointed to a door in the corner of the kitchen.  His hand was shaking proving he was just as frightened as I was

“Where does it lead?” I asked

“Don’t know, Basement probably” 

“Sweetheart what’s going on?”

My mom was huddled in the doorway with my sisters clinging desperately to her legs. 

“Just stay there.  Tom you go over with the girls”


I picked up one of the kitchen knives my mother had unpacked earlier. 

“I’m coming with you”

“Fine then stay behind me,” he said

 There was another THUMP from beneath us. 


I could tell the moaning was coming from the other side of the door. 

“Our house is haunted,” cried my sister Courtney. 

“Uh huh,” moaned Crystal

They both buried their heads in my mother’s leg. 

“Ready?” my father asked


My father reached a shaking hand towards the door while readying the bat in the other.  I gripped the handle of the knife so tightly my knuckles turned white.  With a deep breath he turned the knob and flung the door open.  The moaning, screaming and thumping all stopped instantly as the darkness greeted us....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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