Adrain parents walk up to us. "Hi boys we thought you guys might not make it your so late." I look at my watch and wince. "I'm sorry guys I guess learning how to drive stick took longer than I thought." Adrain beams at his parents. "No he was a natural we just cruised the country roads and lost track of time but we are here now."

They both smile at us like yeah sure but then I see Adrain go stiff as a little boy about Five walks up to us with Adrain's cousin Vince. Vince stops and chats with us. "Hey guys you finally made it come on Mika I want to introduce you to my friend." I follow Vince and the little boy over to a picnic table.

There is a bunch of people at the table but a guy stands up and puts his hand out to shake. "Hi I'm Mike and that over there is my son Ethan it's nice to meet you." I wince while shaking his hand and I feel sick to my stomach. This is the man that broke my poor Adrain's heart. I want punch him or maybe scream at him but I don't. If Adrain can keep his cool around him so can I.

I look Mika in the eye then over to Adrain. "Hi nice to meet you but I'm starving. Adrain do you want to grab so food with me." Adrain eyes me funny and shakes his head yes so we walk away with Vince and the little boy Ethan following us.

After that uncomfortable encounter Adrain and I eat and start talking to the family but I can tell it took an emotional toll on him seeing Mike. He is quiet and withdrawn into himself the rest of the evening.

I get up a couple hours later and go inside to find the restroom. When I'm done and walking down the hall towards the living room someone bumps right into me. I look up. "I'm so sorry I wasn't loo...." The sentence does on my tongue. Oh shit its Mike. He smiles at me. "Its fine. So you and Adrain are a couple? How long have you been together?"

I sigh and try to edge around him but he stops me. "I really care for Adrain so don't hurt him he deserves to be happy." I get angry I'm not completely sure why but I'm seething mad. "Fuck you. You don care for Adrain. In my book your a child molester you prayed on him when he was sixteen you were an adult you should have known better."

He looks indigent at me. "Excuse me but you have no idea what went on between me and Adrain I loved him and I never hurt or took advantage of him."

I shake my head. "Never hurt him? Are you serious? You can't honestly believe that when you fucked him and then minutes later told him you were leaving him for your baby mama that that didn't brake him. You broke his heart and his trust. not only that but you made him have to hide himself from his family and his friends and he never stopped. You hurt him in more ways than you will ever know."

I guess our voices had gradually became louder until we were shouting at each other because when I stalked passed Mike into the living room everyone in there was silent and looking at me including Adrain and Vince. Adrain looks sad but Vince looks like he could kill someone. And as Mike walks into the living room behind me it becomes clear that someone is Mike. Vince walks up to Mike and gets in his face. "Is it true? Please tell me what I just heard is not true."

Mike blanches and tries to back track. "It's not how it sounds." Adrain walks up to the three of us."Really because what Mika said was pretty spot on. You hurt me then and you hurt me now, every time I have to see you or your son I'm reminded of that day and of that feeling of being worthless and betrayed. I don't feel you took advantage of me though I knew my feelings for you but you should have never done the other things you did and you should have enough common sense to stay away not to always show up at my family's events and throw everything in my face."

Adrain turns around and I see his parents for the first time his mom has tears streaming down her face and his father looks murderous. They walk up to Mike. "We are going to have to ask you to leave you are no longer welcome in our home."

Mike walks out back a little angry and comes back holding Ethan's hand. Ethan runs up to Vince and hugs him goodbye oblivious to the tension in the room. The whole house is silent as they leave.

I walk over to Adrain and put my arm around his waist trying to offer some comfort. "I'm so sorry A I didn't mean for this to happen. He made me so mad questioning my feelings for you like he had any right but this wasn't the time or place for me to say anything. I'm so sorry A."

Adrain looks down with a tight smile straining his handsome face. "It's ok Love I know you didn't mean for all this to happen but maybe it's a good thing it did. Always having to see him was slowly killing me inside. Pretending nothing happened and seeing him all the time was way worse then everyone knowing and not having to deal with him anymore."

I squeeze Adrain's middle. "I love you and you are so strong dealing with this all on your own." Adrain looks down at me. "I love you too. Lets get out of here I have had enough dealing with my emotions today. Did you still want to stop and check on your mother I know she is about ready to have that baby amy time now."

"Are you sure you just don't want to go home and digest what just happened?" Adrain laughs at me. "No love lets go visit your mom I need something to get my mind off all this not to go home and dwell on it. I feel like I have been dwelling on this for the last six years. I'm done letting this one thing define my life. Lets go Love."

We walk over to say our goodbyes to Adrain's parents. Luckily they were pretty much the only ones in the house when everything went down besides Vince. All A's brothers were outside so we can sneak off without that drama but I know it's only a matter of time before A's parents tell them. They are still in shock so they let us leave without question.

Once we get in the truck I hold Adrain's hand tight and kiss his knuckles like he has done to me so many times trying to offer some more comfort. We drive away and I can tell just by looking at Adrain that his parents and Vince knowing what happened has lifted the weight off his shoulders. He looks happier and a little carefree and I would never describe Adrain as carefree before but that's how he looks right now. I only hope that this is a start to a whole new happier Adrain nothing would make me happier than seeing Adrain happy like this all the time.

Ok so this is sadly the end. I hope it wasn't to cliche having everyone find out that way about Mike but I felt I had to give Adrain closure. Any ways I fast forwarded six months so Miranda's (Mika's mom) and Grey and Blaine's babies will be born in the next story so I'm super excited about that. Avery's story is taking me a while to come up with but I'm hoping to have something up by Monday. Vote or Comment and let me know what you think.

Broken Dancer #3Where stories live. Discover now