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Of shags oxides tab!!!!! So many reads!!! I love you guys so much!!! X3 I can't even!!!!! Nhdicxs jxn! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hit a rough patch in my life....but I'm ok now!

CHLOE:ITS ROTFL!!!!!'s rofl!
TORI has logged on
TORI: what?!
SIMON has logged on
LIZ has logged on
CHLOE: it's "Roll,On,The,Floor,Laughing! Rotfl!
DEREK: Chloe....your being unnecessarily hard to handle. It's rofl. Everyone knows that.....
TORI: bwahahahaha!!! I like how wolfy knows more about text lingo than Chloe!
SIMON: lol. But Chloe's right. Roll on floor laughing is grammatically incorrect.
LIZ: 0.0 did Simon just get all fancy?!?! GASP!!!!
DEREK: did you google the big words?
CHLOE: ITS ROTFL!!! I just asked kit!
DEREK: babe....what the heck does my dad know about tech stuff?
TORI: What is going on....Chloe and Derek are fighting?!?! O.o
LIZ: I don't like this.......
________________________CHLOE has logged off
DEREK: baby?
DEREK has logged off
SIMON: its rotfl!!!!!!!
TORI:its rofl!!!!!! >:(
SIMON: I guess Liz is the one who votes which one it really is...Liz? Please tell tori that she's wrong
LIZ has logged off
TORI: Liz!!!!! >:(
TORI has logged off
SIMON: since there's only me then that means rotfl wins!!! :D I must go tell Chloe!!!
SIMON has logged off
So I think I'm going to start asking a question each chapter. So qotc is: is it rofl or rotfl?

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