S01: Ep 19- Graduation (Bonus Chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Hey." Carolynn smiles.

"Have they said anything yet?!" Jo exclaims.

"Relax. They said it would be about 15 minutes... 13 minutes ago." Carolynn tells her.

"Seriously? How hard is it to grade a math test?" Jo complains, "I mean, you already aced the class."

"I know, but it's a requirement for all students to take an in person math final. And besides, I'm graduating either way." Carolynn reminds her friend in amusement.

"You're right." Jo agrees, "Why am I more worried about this than you?"

"Because, for some reason, you and Camille thought it would be a good idea to host a graduation party for me, and you don't want me to be bummed if I fail?" Carolynn shrugs.

"Yeah, pretty much." Jo confirms, "Speaking of, Bitters agreed to let us use the pool for the party so we could have enough space. Now remember, we're telling everyone to get there at seven o'clock, so try to get there at 8 o'clock. Oh, and try and act surprised."

A few days ago, Jo accidentally let it slip that her, Camille, Katie, and Mrs. Knight were planning a surprise graduation party for Carolynn the day of her graduation. Carolynn begged her to get them to cancel since parties had never really been her thing, but since it was supposed to be a surprise, Jo told her that if she asked them to cancel, they'd know she ruined the surprise.

"Fine. But you know better than anyone that my acting skills aren't as good as yours. Or Camille's." Carolynn laughs, and as she turns her head, she notices the person who was grading her test walking over to her, "Hey, I gotta go. The guy is coming back with my test."

"Good luck. I'll be in the food court when you get here!" Jo tells her before she hangs up the phone. Carolynn quickly slides her phone into her bag and stands up to talk with the man, smiling kindly as he approached her.

"Miss Howard?" The man asks.

"That's me." Carolynn grins.

"I have to say, this test score is impressive! 99 out of 100 points." The man tells her happily.

"Really? That's so good to hear." Carolynn says excitedly.

"You know, after I graded your test, I went into your file the read up on you. You work at Roque Records?" He asks.

"Yeah. I have for a couple years now." Carolynn explains.

"Have you ever thought about going to a music school?" He questions.

"Oh... I guess not. I mean, I already work at a music studio with a professional producer, so I'd say he has already taught me pretty well." Carolynn shrugs.

"You know, you're a Straight A student, I'm sure that there are plenty of music colleges that would love to offer you a scholarship."

"You-you think I could get a music scholarship? But you've never heard my music." Carolynn says with the shake of her head.

"Actually, I have. I did a bit of research on you while you were taking your test, and I heard one of the songs you wrote for Big Time Rush. I just bought my daughter their album, and she loves them." He says with a grin, "Look, I know you're probably all set, and that you have all the time in the world to decide, but I think you should consider this."

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