Chapter 1

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No where to go. The phrase repeated itself in my mind, like a DVD stuck replaying.
Each time I wander, just to clear my mind for a while, I see this dark Chapel. Whether it's abandoned or not, I haven't the faintest idea.
Vines snaked over the arch that lead towards the doors, moss acted as if a carpet had been laid across the stone tiled path.
The garden was beautifully tamed however, leading me to believe someone still occupied the place. Or at least a ground-keeper visited once in a while.
Sometimes, if I truly listened hard enough, there would be music. Faint strums of a guitar drifted out the far side of the building. And a voice. A voice so soothing, no matter the the song it sung.
I could always go inside?
If it was abandoned, I could explore. Perhaps find the songs I had previously heard.
If not, I explain my curiosities and hope nothing bad becomes of me.
I mean.. what's the worst that could happen?
The best to find would probably be finding the voice and possibly befriending the owner of it.
I couldn't help but to grin at the thought of it, the sheer thought of meeting them sent a swarm through my stomach. It was a fuzzy feeling but nice none the less.


The noise of my worn shoes was a familiar sound yet so new. Short gusts of wind accompanied my steps every minute or so, along with the soft creak of the gate as I nudged it open and shut it behind me.
No turning back now.
My knuckles paused before the door, should I really knock?
Fuck it.
From the door I could smell cinnamon and cedarwood, it was rather comforting to be fair. Also a sign this place wasn't totally empty.
The aged wood stung against my hand leaving a small mark in the frost where my hand had brushed against it.
I stepped back to wait for any answer, and my eyes scanned over the intricate patterns engraved in the wood.
An upsidedown cross, seemingly with a G going through the centre.
The hinges groaned ever so slightly as the door was nudged open.
I guess this was actually happening.


word count: 377

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