Robert Plant - Party

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A/N I've never written imagines before so these are probably gonna be really bad, but hope you enjoy reading them.

Warnings: alcohol, teasing, almost smut but not really.

1970 8:16 pm

"No Robert I'm too tired to go" I argued." Come on Y/N it'll be fun, I promise, love" He looked at me with the biggest puppy eyes imaginable.

"Fine but if I get tired we go home, okay?" I walked over to get my coat as I said it.

"Of course darling" He smirked at me. I put on my coat and some boots and we walked to the car together.

8:37 pm

We arrived at Jimmy's house where the party was and headed inside. The smell of booze and similar things hit my nose as I walked in the door.

Robert took my hand and whispered in my ear "As soon as you get tired, we go home. Okay, love?" I simply nodded at his statement.

He walked over to some people and began talking. I quickly spotted Bonzo and walked over to him. He was just sitting on a couch with a beer in his hand. I sat down next to him and he smiled at me.

"Enjoying the party?" He asked almost yelling because of how loud the music was. "Yeah, it's fine" I answered

2 hours later

I was way too drunk right now. I was out dancing, feeling the rhythm of the music.

Suddenly I felt someone behind me, groping against me. I excepted it to just be some random guy, but when I turned my head I spotted Robert.

"What's up, darling?" He asked. You could clearly hear in his voice that he too was drunk. I was bored, so why not tease him, I'm sure I wouldn't regret it later on.

I turned around so that I now faced him. I discretely put my hand on his loin without anyone noticing. My action earned me a deep groan.

He put his mouth to my neck as he slowly began kissing and sucking on it. He quickly stopped and put his mouth to my ear.

"Don't start something you can't finish darling" he whispered seductively which sent shivers down my spine.

I was in a testing mood so I decided to try him even more. I took off my sweater leaving me only in my extremely short shorts and a very small top.

"Okay, that's it!" He said as he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder. "Robert put me down!!"

"You started this, now you have finish it" he said as walked towards the front door. On the way I spotted Bonzo who waved goodbye and shouted "good luck Y/N" I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Robert, when are you gonna put me down?" I asked. "As soon as you learn to behave" he said smirking, to which I only hit his back playfully.


He had literally walked with me this way all the way home. The first thing he did as we arrived home, was to go to the bedroom and drop me on the bed.

"Stay there for me, darling" he commanded and I obeyed. He walked out of the room and came in again a few minutes later.

"Looks like someone is finally doing what they're told" he smirked at me.

This was gonna be a long night...

A/N So this is the first chapter, maybe I'm gonna make a part two to this. Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 591

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