Once we were done, the team gathered in a conference room to share the info.

"Both males enter a white four-door sedan and head out the southeast exit of the lot. And we have a security video?" Alvin asked.

"The security office was in the impact zone. Database is gone, as in gone gone." Antonio said.

"Second car with the bomb was rented out of some dirt-lot company in Milwaukee. The name and the credit card on the rental agreement came back bogus. And there's no security video at the company or so they're saying. So Milwaukee PD is heading over there to investigate." Jay exclaimed.

"Sumner, you dealt with all those antigovernment nutcases when you were working undercover. Am I right?" Voight asked.

"That's right."

"All right, beat the bushes." Voight said and Sumner walked out when Lindsay walked in.

"Hey,guys, I just heard. Burgess was here when it happened, and her niece is in the I.C.U." Erin said. Oh my god.

"How bad?" I asked.

"Not good." Lindsay replied.


We went to find Burgess in the hospital and when she noticed us she pulled Adam into a hug immediately.

"We just heard. What did they say?"

"A raptured liver. She's- there's a list or something, a donor list. They're trying to match." Burgess said.

"Do we know who did it? Anybody taking credit?" Atwater asked.

"Okay, the lab got a print off the duct tape of bomb number two." Jin said when he walked in. "Came back to a Paul Watts. V.L.D has him registered at 5225 South Laramie. I secured a no-knock search warrant."

"Give us five minutes before you notify the feds about that print." Voight said to Jin then looked at Kevin. "They need you out on the perimeter"

"One more thing. The second bomb was set to go off at 8:30PM. The bomber screwed up somewhere." Jin added.

"We're gonna ask for forgiveness instead of permission today, you understand? We're not slowing down for anything. I mean anything. No one's gonna give a damn once these bastards are caught. All right, let's go." Voight said.


"Okay, that's who we are looking for. Apartment 1-a." Lindsay said showing us a photo.

"Careful of wires or traps. Anything's possible." Hank said.

"It's clean. I can't make any guarantees, though." Alvin said as he checked the front door for wires.

Halstead then kicked the door down and we walked in with our weapons drawn.

"Paul Watts CPD!"




"The guy was shot in the head."

"Call it in."

"This wasn't suicide. Gun's on the right. Cell phone clip and wallet are on the left side of the belt. He has no burn from muzzle flash, no gunshot residue on his face. Somebody had to shoot him from five feet away. They set this up." I exclaimed as I looked closer at the body.

Endlessly [Chicago PD] (1)Where stories live. Discover now