The old man felt like his saviors had come for him, saving him from this devil girl. "Sir, please save me! That girl, she went crazy and started killing people." The old man shouted at the group of soldiers.

The old man could move his body now, so he ran towards the group of soldiers without realizing that the man in the very front of the group of soldiers lifted his gun and shooted at the old man. The old man fell on the ground when the bullet hit his legs. He looked at the man that shot him with a shocked look on his face.

The man ignored the old man and walked passed him. His destination? Of course, to his beloved Qi Qi. The man hugged the girl.

"Thank goddess. You are safe." The man said. The man was relieved when he saw that his beloved Qi Qi was safe and sound.

(Please read this novel on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

The old man right now was looking at the man and woman who were hugging each other. Just then he understood that this group of soldiers was not coming to save him, but rather the devil girl. He was doomed. Doomed because of one girl. He was regretting his decision to have a taste of this girl and kidnapped her. Otherwise, this situation would never have happened and his men would still be alive. It was his lust that controlled him and brought him this misery.

Aoi was angry when he saw that Long Hui had stolen his master's attention and turned to the old man. This old man kidnapped his master. He must vent his anger on that old man. His decision made, he rushed to the old man. Using his sharp teeth, he bit the old man's hand. The old man, who was still wallowing in regret, shouted in pain when a dog came and bit his hand.

Aoi released the man's hand when the old man wanted to hit him. He growled to the old man.

'How dare you kidnap my master? You are courting death.' Aoi barked to the old man.

"Thank you for coming and saving me." Yu Qi said as she leaned into Long Hui's embrace.

"You are my life. Of course, I will come and save you." Long Hui did not let Yu Qi go.

Then Yu Qi fainted. When seeing his beloved Qi Qi faint, Long Hui lost it. He quickly lifted her up and carried her in a princess carry and hurried out of the house. Aoi, when he also saw his master faint became worried.

"Handle this. I need to bring Qi Qi to the hospital." Long Hui passed his orders to Ren Qian Yi.

Accepting his order, Ren Qian Yi nodded. He was also worried about his sister in law. It was better than Long Hui brought her to the hospital first. He would handle things here.

"Bring this old man to sit on the chair there." Ren Qian Yi ordered the other soldiers.

"Yes, sir." The soldiers brought out his order.

The old man was placed on the chair. He was hissing in pain. The soldiers that lifted him up seemed to forget about him having been shoot by their leader and been bitten by a dog.

(Please read this novel on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

Ren Qian Yi saw the scarred man that was standing in the corner. Then he also asked the soldiers to bring him over for questioning. The scarred man did not even fight, and carefully followed the soldier's order.

C292 - 292: She Will Wake Up Soon

"Okay. Tell me about your identity." Ren Qian Yi said to the two of them.

The old man did not answer. Seeing that his boss did not say anything, the scarred man did not want any more problems and answered Ren Qian Yi.

(Please read this novel on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l.c.o.m)

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