Ignoring the knife at her neck, Yu Qi placed her hand on the man's arm and did a judo move, the back throw. The onlookers were stunned with what they just saw. A girl just threw a man. Just like that. The men already passed out.

Long Hui approached Yu Qi. He checked his beloved Qi Qi to make sure she did not hurt. Yu Qi smiled. Long Hui made a relief face knowing she was fine.

"Thank you for stopping the thieves for me." A middle-aged woman stepped up thanking Yu Qi and Long Hui.

"What were they stole from you?" Yu Qi asked.

"My wedding ring. I wear it around my neck like a necklace. Suddenly, these scum men come. One disturbed my attention, another one waiting for a chance. Once they saw me did not pay attention, one of them grabbed my ring by snatching it. My neck got hurt by it." The middle-aged woman explained.

Long Hui inspected the men's pocket. He did find the ring. He took and brought it to the middle-aged woman.

"Is this your ring?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah. It is my treasure since my husband passed away. Thank you." A middle-aged woman cried when getting back her ring. It must be important to her.

C242 - 242: Possessive

Long Hui called the police to take care of the two men. He wanted to continue the date back.

"Wow, that girl was very strong. No wonder her boyfriend does not look worried at all." The onlooker commented.

"The man was also strong. Want him to hug me." A girl commented.

Hearing that comment, Yu Qi frowned. She wrapped Long Hui's waist with her arm showing this man was hers. No one could get him.

Long Hui smiled. His beloved Qi Qi was jealous. It was a good sign. Showed that Yu Qi loved him very much and did not want other girls had a thought on Long Hui.

They walked around. Yu Qi spotted a stall that sold crepes. Having a craving for it, Yu Qi pulled Long Hui to buy some.

"Do you have it?" Yu Qi asked Long Hui.

Long Hui looked at what she was eyeing for. It was food. Crepe? He did not know what kind of food is it. Long Hui shakes her head.

Understood that Long Hui did not interested in the crepe, she told the seller that she wanted to buy one. "Auntie, give me one. That with banana strawberry choco."

"Okay. Wait for a moment." The woman said.

Not more than five minutes, her crepe was ready. She wanted to pay but another hand already hand out the money to the woman. Yu Qi looked at Long Hui.

"I will pay it for you." Long Hui said.


Yu Qi dipped into the crepe. "It is delicious." The smile of satisfaction could be seen on her face.

Long Hui looked at his beloved Qi Qi. She looked like a little squirrel that got a peanut for her lunch. He chuckled. Yu Qi heard that turned to Long Hui with an invisible question mark on top of her head.

"What?" Yu Qi stopped eating asking him.

"It's nothing. You just look very cute. Like a little squirrel." Long Hui reached out his hand and caressed Yu Qi's face.

Yu Qi turned her face away. Avoiding Long Hui's eyes. Ignoring Long Hui, Yu Qi took another bite of the crepe. It was a total blessing. Turned back to Long Hui, she asked.

"Do you want a bite?" Yu Qi made a face that Long Hui could not reject her.

Long Hui took a bite. "Sweet." Long Hui commented.

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