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The events will not be in order because of you existence, if you want everything to go according to plan and to fix the universe from its displacement, you'll need to go along with it.

- 022806


Running outside you couldn't see who was on the bed with him, the other toys were too scared to move, "What's happened so far?"

You heard a voice talk with Woody as you made sure your blasters were secure, "How dare you open a space man's helmet on an uncharted planet! My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets."

You jumped on the bed pole, running at the man, capturing him in your thighs as you did with Woody, pointing a blaster at his head, "Who ever you are, obviously you have not come in peace. You will be detained until further notice by the reputable Sherriff Woody."

"Wait- I know these thighs!" You squeezed harder, "Y/n, plEase-"

You slightly loosened your grip, forcing the tip of your blaster to the back of his head so that he could feel it, "How do you know me? Are you a servant of Zurg?"

"No! It's me!" you squeezed a little harder, "I don't know a 'me', foolish stranger."

"Calthea's bloomed the night we swam in the Danjabo Lake," the stranger reasoned making you falter.

"How- how do you know about that? That was between me and..." Then it clicked in your brain.

"As much as I love being crushed between your thighs, you're choking me-" you let go, scrambling away from the man.

"No, it... it couldn't be..." You watched as he gasped for air, turning around to face you.

"You..." you stared in awe as he regained his composure, "I almost killed you! Again!"

You hid your face in your hands, wanting to curl up into a ball as he removed them from your face, holding them, "just like the first time we met."

"After all this time, the thought of me finding you is the only thing that has kept me going." he smiled, pulling you in for a hug as you practically melted in his arms.

"Is it safe to come out now?" Buzz reacted swiftly, knocking Woody down and pointing his laser at them.

"Do you know these creatures?" Buzz looked at you and Woody, who's face was still on the comforter.

"Yes! Buzz, put that away, these are my friends, Hamm, Slinky, Rex, and Mr. Potato Head." You smiled, helping them onto the bed as the looked at him in wonder.

Buzz stood up, Woody getting up on his own, dusting his outfit off, "as I was saying before all this weirdness happened, this is Andy's room."

Buzz watched as the guys looked at him in astonishment, while he walked up to you, pulling you close, "I've missed you, missed this..."

He looked at your lips, leaning in until Woody ripped him off of you, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's a little too close there, 'space ranger'. I think that the two of you should be separated until further notice, I mean, you don't even know each other..."

Woody looked at the other guys for support, "well," Hamm started, "that is true, the space man is getting a little too handsy with our princess, maybe they should be separated, chaperoned at least."

Rex looked at them, "Are you kidding? Have you heard their love story? I think they've been apart too long, no way we can stand in the way of their love!"

Potato Head scoffed, "Are you kiddin'? I know the Mrs. is a fan of this whole 'love story' thing, but I ain't fallin' for it, I mean look at her. This hunk of plastic is probably in it for the action, if you know what I'm sayin'."

Slinky walked in between them, standing next to you, "Fellas, settle down, I know Woody's never lead us wrong before, but maybe, just this once, we let them be? We all know how Y/n's been suffering. Just because we didn't witness it first hand doesn't mean that it didn't happen, or that her pain and suffrage wasn't real."

"I think us, outta' everybody here, should be understanding that what she needs right now is love and support." Slinky's butt caught up with him, still sitting a decent distance away.

"Thanks slink." You bent down, kissing his forehead and scratched him behind his ears.

He said nothing, just smiled as Woody sighed, "Fine...fine...we'll deal with this in the morning, Andy's running errands with his mom, so we'll have a conference about this then."

You smiled walking to Mrs. Potato Head, who was currently on the desk glaring at Bo, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, "I just wish some toys wouldn't try to upgrade while they've still got a partner."

You looked at her in confusion, then later getting told that Mr. Potato Head heard her say that she'd rather be moving buddies with Buzz than Woody, Mrs. Potato Head's always been protective of her children, even those that believe they're too old to be parented.

You, however, needed a lot of TLC. That was a remedy that Mrs. Potato Head came up with, considering that you were "parented" by a council under depressing times. She wanted to help you become a secure young woman who was confident in her own plastic.

Mrs. Potato Head was extremely happy to have met Buzz, and seen you two happy together, "You know, Buzz's ship was also totaled in the crash, just like yours, I'm sure he needs a nice, safe, place to stay. And don't worry," she whispered, "I won't tell Woody."

You thought about it for a moment, the bed you had was big enough for two, and the space could fit both of you, why not? You walked to him as the boys helped him move his ship.

"Buzz? I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me tonight, seeing as how you currently can't use your ship." You fiddled with the fabric of your dress as he turned around.

"It wouldn't be the first time I had to hide in your room, now would it?" He chuckled as your face almost turned blue out of embarrassment.


It was difficult to explain why you had a large picture of Buzz in your room, but he found it adorable, it did help that he had one too. He showed it to you before putting it safely away. Usually, in both of your cultures, unmarried people wouldn't sleep in the same room together, nevertheless in the same bed.

You were now in your night gown, brushing your hair before bed as Buzz walked forward, "really Buzz? In the suit?"

He leaned forward, kissing you gently as he laid down on his side of the bed, chuckling, "I need to be ready at all times, besides, you like a man in uniform."

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