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Elsie and Tommy sat across from each other, having an intense stare off. It didn't help the tension that neither of them refused to speak, with Tommy smoking his cigarette and Elsie reading a paper. Elsie was getting tired of it and finally broke.

"What do you want Tommy?"

Tommy blew out his smoke slowly. "In London-"

Elsie laughed. "Not this again Tommy. I told you, nothing happened."

Nothing happened in London.

"Elsie, don't be daft. Do you remember something I don't?"

Elsie rolled her eyes. "I can't remember something that didn't happen."

"Elsie," Tommy groaned, rubbing his temples. "Look, I remember waking up in bed with you in my boxers. That's it. So if you remember something I don't, I need you to tell me."

Elsie huffed out in annoyance. In all honestly, she really didn't remember. She too woke up just wearing her shirt and her underwear. But other than that, all she remembers is little white lines and whiskey.

"Nothing happened in London. I already told you."

"You don't remember either, do you?" Tommy asked.

"We did not sleep together!" she snapped at him. "Nothing happened, leave it at that."

"If that's my child..." Tommy started.

"You'll what? Leave my child with a governess like you do with Charlie? Ignore my child the way you ignore your own son? It's not your child, Tommy. Leave it alone."

Tommy was taken aback. He had few nerves you could hit, but that was one of them.

"I suppose you'd be a great mother then, ey Elsie? Your parents set a great example. You see when I hired you as an employee I did some digging. Your father was a drunk and your mother was a prostitute. Both dead. I suppose right now, you look like your mother."

Elsie, like Tommy, had few nerves that could be struck. And that was too one of hers.

"And you look like your father as well, Thomas Shelby. Absent. Maybe your mother should have named you after your father, not Arthur. At least Arthur wants to be near his son-"

With this Tommy slammed his hand on the desk. A fire was lit behind his eyes. Elsie had yet to be the victim of his fury.

"Let's tell Michael, eh? Let's see what he thinks!"

"Tommy, stop it!"

"Is everything alright in here?" Isiah asked unsurely, walking through the door. He eyed the angry pair and walked up slowly.

"The night we went to the Sapphire club in London, did Elisa and I shag?"

Isiah's eyes almost popped out of his skull. "What the fuck Tom?"

"We woke up half dressed in bed together. Did we shag?"

Isiah chuckled a little. "Erm...not that I saw. Your room was right next to mine and Finn's, I think we would have heard. Honestly, I think you were both hammered and coked out. Finn was in charge of putting you to bed. He probably just tucked you into one bed."

Elisa made an 'I told you so' face at Tommy before yelling out. "Finn!"

Finn came running in. "What's happened?"

"Did you put Tommy and I in bed together in London? The night we went to the Sapphire club?"

Finn thought for a moment. "Not really. You was crying because Michael was goin' to be hung and Tommy was cryin' over...over Grace. You both just kind of fell asleep. I was asleep on Elisa's bed, but I think I got up before you did."

"Thank God," Elisa exhaled. "Fuck you Thomas Shelby."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Go find Michael."

"Oh...Michael came back. I think he overheard a little because he said he was going out...That's why I came in here," Isiah said slowly.

"Oh fuck," Elsie groaned. "He thinks I fucked his cousin!"

"Elsie, go back to work," Tommy ordered. "He's probably at a pub and I don't want you runnin' round trying to find him there while you're pregnant. Isiah and I will go."

- - -

By the time her business day was over, the boys still haven't gotten back. She drove back with Finn to Arrow House and both of them sat on the couch.

"You think he's mad at me?" she asked.

Finn nodded. "I'd be pissed. He's probably drunk somewhere, they'll find him."

On cue, the door swung open as Michael was being carried in by Tommy and Isiah. Elisa immediately stood up.

"Michael, I'm so sorry!" she cried out. "It was a misunderstanding nothing happened, I swear."

"He's coked out, El," Tommy said softly.

"Where was he?" she asked. Isiah and Tommy stayed silent.

"I'm sorry," Michael croaked out. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Where was he?" Elsie repeated, grabbing Tommy by his collar.

Tommy held her wrists gently. "He was with a woman. I'm sorry Elsie."

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