Part 3

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The sky is gloomy when I stepped out of the building. The wind is blowing signaling that there's a storm about to come.
Students are allowed to go to town for the rest of the day, Enid invited me to go for a little shopping but I refused. I don't wanna go near anything colorful at the moment. Xavier was the new volunteer staff at Weathervane café in replacement of Tyler. I recently heard the news that he escaped his prison, which means he'll probably be back anytime for revenge.

There had been reports that some students went missing right after coming to school. No one was sure what happened to them because there are no traces of them disappearing nor anyone saw them where they went.
Despite the dangers that happened students are still allowed to go out to town which is kind of sketchy. The new principal should be looking out for her students, knowing there are threats against our lives.

I went over to the pond to get a look into the water, but because of the weather I couldn't see so well, and the water is dark and muddy.

"What are you doing here?"

I turn around and found Bianca. She smells like mud and her supposed-to-be white jacket is now brown. There are bits of dirt on her cheek and she's catching her breath.

"I'm taking a stroll," I replied to her question, "how about you, where have you been and why do you look like you were wrestling a sea monster...I bet you cheated."

She chuckles while rolling her eyes, "Still rude and sarcastic as ever," she said, "I had a small accident at the lake where I was meditating, turns out one of the docks is too old to hold anything and it broke, throwing me into the muddy water, almost drowning."

I raised a brow, "How would a siren drown if you can breathe underwater?"

Her forehead wrinkled, mouth gaped at the loss of words. Signs that she's hiding something. I've seen it a lot of times whenever I caught someone off guard. "Wednesday, sometimes there are things you don't need answers to."

"Unless you're hiding something," I said, noticing some red marks on her forearm that she immediately covered up.

"Nothing is up, I'm just tired from swimming back to shore," she replied, "and why are you talking and suspecting me like I did something bad? Are you on to something again?"

I'm still not sure if she's on my side, she did a lot of things to get rid of me. Even though she helped me and we're not butting heads like before, I still need to find out if I can fully trust her or not.

"Nothing. I'm just curious." I said.

Bianca looks at me from head to toe, "Fine, but stop being pushy, I have my limits."

I didn't leave my eyes off her until she disappeared into the building. Bianca's not telling me something and I need to know what it is. It could be connected to my case, knowing one of the clues I have is the culprit has a water connection. I can't just point out that it's a siren I'm going against, but it's what I have close to the evidence I had.

I decided to go downtown after no luck with my investigation today. I need help to spark up my brain and a mug of strong coffee will do.
I push the cafe's door, ringing the bell, and the guy at the counter smiles when he saw me.

"Wednesday, welcome." Xavier leans forward on the counter, "What can I get you?"

I wanted to say the same order whenever I go to café fa or coffee but my mouth won't say it. I'm suddenly not in the mood for four shots of espresso.

"A caramel macchiato with a sprinkle of powdered coffee on top instead of chocolate," I recited my order, "and a matcha cookie if you have one."

Xavier nods his head, "Trying out something new today huh? Take a seat I'll serve it to your table shortly."

Under Her Influence (Wednesday & Xavier fanfic) (In Revision & Slow Updates)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin