Chapter I

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Chapter I: A Beginning
of a Legend

This Journey begins with two young
trainers in the town of Postwick on their way to fulfill their childhood dreams of the Galar Region. This duo had been childhood friends since the moment they had set  eyes on this world. Their mothers had been high-
school best friends. So their children had also grown close. But rather... how close? This is the love story of Galar's Newest hero's, Hop and Gloria.

[Present Day]

Hop couldn't wait to finally fill a page in his legend! However.. He couldn't accomplish it without his most beloved childhood friend, Gloria. These two teenagers go way back to when their mothers had moved into postwick, Gloria and Hop had always been childhood friends ever since they stepped into the world. Hop treasures Gloria very much, so much that he probably doesn't even realize how much! So their bond was unbreakable.

Hop quickly ran to Gloria's front door and knocked quickly. And someone had answered the door. It was Gloria's Mother.

"Hello mrs! Is Gloria here today?" Hop had asked her.

Gloria's mom smiled, "Oh yes, She should be in her room. Come in!"

Her mother had stepped out of the way so Hop can allow himself inside. He thanked her and ran to Gloria's bedroom and opened the door.

"Gloria! Todays the big day! Are you... Huh?"

To Hop's surprise.. Gloria was deep asleep.

"Did I arrive too early? Or did Gloria sleep in..?" Hop thought.

He quickly and quietly layed his backpack on the chair. Followed by his fluffy coat due to the warm temperature in her room. Hop walked over to Gloria in attempt to wake her up but.. Something stopped him. The more he looked at his best friend the more he felt.. off. He didn't understand this feeling but it definitely was in the way of waking Gloria up from her slumber.

He studied his best friend, She was sleeping like an angel. Hop noticed that his cheeks began to feel a lot more warmer but insisted that it was because of how warm her room was.

Instead.. he sat down beside Gloria on her mattress. He noticed a lock of hair had fallen on her face. And without thinking, he had used his thumb to move the string of hair behind her ear.

He felt her cheeks, they were soft as a wooloo. Hop's face flushed, as he began to stroke her cheek softly. Hop could feel his body leaning in closer to her face.

"What the heck am I doing..?" Hop told himself.

But Hop couldn't control it. The more seconds pass the more he caught himself moving towards her face. Hop clearly didn't understand this emotion, it felt rather.. new to him.

"I... uhm.." Hop was lost in thought. All he could focus on was Gloria.


Gloria's alarm clock had went off.

Hop had instantly flung himself off of Gloria. He was as red as an Applin. Gloria woke up with a mixture of emotions.

"Hop..? Are you here already?.." Gloria had asked half asleep.

She had rubbed her eyes to clear out her vision. And was able to notice hop sitting in front of her. He immediately took his face off of her sight so she wouldn't have to worry about why he's as red as a Tamato berry.

"O-oh! Uh- Hi mate'! I.. Er.." Hop stammered.

Hop took a moment to calm down and think about what he should reply with.

He breathed in deeply and whispered, "I didn't expect there to be an alarm clock going off.."

He looked back at his friend to notice a half-asleep look on her face. Hop cleared his throat to change the subject.

"So.. it's rather, hot in here." He forcefully chuckled

Gloria had blinked a few times as if she were trying to process what he had said. She came to her senses and replied,

"Oh! Right! I left the heater on in my room overnight, It was pretty cold last night."


Gloria began to get ready as Hop waited along the stairs to her house outside. Greeting the pokemon who had relaxed nearby the entrance.


He looked over towards Gloria, who was waving to get his attention. But he moved his eyes towards the big heavy backpack that seemed to be pulling her back a tad.

"Make sure that ol' bag doesn't pull you over mate'!" Hop jokingly replied.

Gloria had elbowed him in response. Hop laughed, and Gloria followed.

"Good idea for bringing a bag that size anyways. I think Lee is bringing us pokemon today! I already have my Wooloo but-" Hop had been interrupted by a nearby bang.

He then turned around and noticed a wild Wooloo trying to break down the gate that led towards the unknown woods, also known as the Slumbering Weald's.

"Hey there silly, I see what you're trying to do there! Don't go knocking down that fence now, everyone knows not to enter the Slumbering Weald's. Bad Wooloo!" Hop commanded.

The Wooloo had stopped. He examined the Wooloo, and had blushed a bit remembering what had happened back in Gloria's bedroom. Hop shrugged it off and put his hands behind his head and faced towards his best-friend.

"Alright Gloria there's no time to waste! Race ya back at my place!" Hop called out, running before even finishing his sentence.

Gloria smiled, and followed Hop to his house that just happens to be a block away.

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