Endurance I0→H111

Dexterity I0→ H133

Agility I0 → H198

Magic I0 → I88

Luck – F → E

Abnormal Resistance – G

Escape – H → G

"653 points in one day! What were you doing with Wallen-whosit today!? NO, don't tell me, I don't want to know!"


Ais was making her way to her room after saying goodbye to Bell. Her mind was very occupied with her white rabbit, her heart all a flutter. Ais entered the parlor of Twilight Manor, and to her great surprise, both Loki and Riveria were there waiting for her.

"Riveria? Loki?"

"You didn't really think that I would be able sleep with you out on your first date, did you?"


"Riveria here was tellin' me that ya accepted a special invitation from Itty-Bitty's kid. It sure is a good thing ya got Mama Riveria to vouch for em' because he sure does manage to attract all sorts of trouble. There would be hell to pay if he were the cause of somethin' to happen to you. That and I won't let em' be a two timin' snake. So how did he treat you Aizu?"

"Hmm? Oh Bell?"

"Yes Bell, who else are we talkin' about!?"

Ais's face broke into a small smile and her face turned pink.

"He was nice...and a gentleman...and I heard it from Bringar themselves that he rejected Freya."

"So Itty-Bitty really is tellin' the truth, to think he would be the first one to be able to reject that sex-crazed idiot and have the gall the very next day to ask my Aizuuuu out! He sure is an interestin' kid, that's for sure. That's one way to start a war, doesn't matter now though since we are already going to war with that idiot!"

"Yes, yes, that's all nice and all, but what do you think of him Ais?" Riveria asked with great curiosity. She was much more interested in how the date itself went.

Ais blushed and a smile bloomed on her face while Riveria asked her question mid-sentence. Once again, her mind had just gone over her first kiss with Bell.


Riveria smiled and patiently repeated the question.

"I like Bell," she said in a gentle, sweet voice.

"And what about Bell, did he say what he thinks of you?"

She absentmindedly brought her slender hand over her left breast, near her heart, "He said he likes me very much," as she said the words, she felt a rush of heat spread through her, she continued with a slightly embarrassed look, "...Is that okay?"

"Again, only you can answer that, Ais."

"Yes...I believe it is...and I want to spend more time with him," Ais answered with a warm expression on her face.

"May I go to bed now?...I'm very tired."

Riveria nodded and watched Ais closely as she exited to room.

"Ais, what happened to your hair ribbon?"

She only turned her head to answer, "Oh...umm...I gave it to Bell. Good night."

After Ais exited the room, Loki and Riveria's jaws dropped.

"Waaaaaaaaah, Aizuuuuu's got it real bad, to think my Aizuuuu!! Look at her all day dreamin' about that boy, what the hell did they get up to—What ya smilin' about?! Finn, now you and Aizuuu all fawning over shrimp's kid. Hell, half of the familia has been taken by him after he took down Nidhogg in Knossos!"

"Well, I must admit—and surely you have noticed too—this has been a long time coming. I wanted, even hoped, for Ais to discover it for herself. I have just given her a nudge here and there, in hopes that it might spark. It seems it finally has."

"Yeah, I noticed her unusual interest in the boy. But I gotta know somethin'—that the same boy she was mopin' over and actin' all lovesick over when she leveled up to 6?"

"Yes, the very same, it would seem they have developed a rather strong bond. I suspect from the way Ais was acting and what she said that he is much more than just interested in her."

"Hmmm, well then it seems ya had better watch them extra closely mama, make sure they keep themselves out of trouble. I'll see if I can get itty-bitty to spill the beans on her kid and what he's thinkin'...And how the hell did he resist Freya? As far as I know it has never happened. Anyways, I ain't gonna give up my Aizuuuu so easily!"

"Yes, I will. I might see if Ais will let me join their training session tomorrow. If that boy tries anything deceitful or hurts Ais, then he'll answer to me."

"Oooh scary, I wouldn't wanna be on the receivin' end of that."

"But...if Bell proves worthy, I fully intend to allow them to pursue each other if that is what will make Ais truly happy."

"Hmmmpf, I don't know if I can argue with that. Doesn't mean I won't do my part though! But I'll leave them in yer hands then for now."


Ais placed Bell's precious gift to her on her dresser and let it play its comforting tune. She gazed into her mirror, wanting to remember the way she looked on this special day. Her fingertips absentmindedly caressing her now let down hair that Bell had complimented. An ache had already crept into her heart, a longing to be with the ruby-eyed boy again. 

She removed her clothing and slipped into her soft white night-dress. She pulled her white, spare pillow to her chest and she settled in her soft bed. She clutched the pillow tightly, pressing it against her slender form. Despite her mind still racing, her exhausted body slowly drifted off to sleep, only to see the white rabbit enter her dreams once more.

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