As Steve left the mall that night, the brunette girl he had met was clouding all his other thoughts. So much so, in fact, that he took hours to entirely fall asleep. He would surely regret it in the morning, but he didn't care.

He just had one thought- what was different about that girl? And why did he never have that with anyone else?

With Nancy, his only long-term relationship, he was madly in love. But he never felt so awkward, so obviously blushing. It was crazy.

So, yes, he had a schoolboy crush. But that was all- right?


Jocelyn Whittaker was in a similar predicament as she lay awake that night. But honestly, she was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Not without saying "goodnight" to her dad first, however, or she quite possibly would've been murdered the next day.

Kurt Whittaker was a good man, and a great father. But sometimes, he could be a little... extreme.

No, no, not THAT kind of extreme. Don't worry. (Although, the narrator of this story may disagree- but we'll save that for another time, seeing as Senorita Idiot over here would never stop arguing.)

Cringe- Steve Harrington x fem. OCWhere stories live. Discover now