Part 4 the ritual the plan and the prophecy.

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Okay here's part 4 this is Dracaz's POV for the first but then goes to Hunter's and the rest of this goes back to normal.
Alright that clears it let's begin.
(Dracaz's POV)
I dragged my struggling captive to my castle "Lord Dracaz you have returned from the battle" my servant Kestrel bowed before me before noticing the the princess "unhand me you asshole!" I threw her to the floor in front of my throne as I sat down in front of her as two guards held her "it's pointless to struggle your highness besides once the sacrifice is complete I will surpass your brother the King of the Nether and your other god brothers all I need is the blood moon to rise then I will have you to myself" I smirked evilly "I thought you wanted to sacrifice me as in kill me spilling my blood all over the place" she spat out trying to pray her arms out of my guards hands "I will but it's not your blood I'm after in stead I'm after your virgin soul" she growled bearing her teeth with her sharp vampire-like fangs "take her to the dungeon and rid her of her armour" I say waving a hand "my brothers and boyfriend will end your miserable insufferable existence just you wait Dracaz" "oh that's cute if your boyfriend hasn't perished from his wounds" I laughed at her face full of heartbreak as my guards took her to the dungeon I sat on my throne as what's left of my army bowed before me with my remaining generals
Now for Hunter's POV
(Hunter's POV)
I hissed as ringing hit my ears deafening me for a bit hearing muffled voices talking while nervous I groaned fully regaining consciousness bringing my hand to rub my head as the ringing subsided "he's awake!" I recoiled from a loud voice and footsteps leaving the room I opened my eyes to see a white and pale blue room I looked around before seeing a helmet remembering what happened I tried getting to my feet but was stopped by a hand with some sharp nails on my shoulder I looked to see Herobrine looking relieved "I wouldn't get out of bed just yet Hunter not after nearly dying them coming back to life without my sister's interference" "I failed to protect her" "no you didn't I'm not as good as words as my sister at these times but she wouldn't want you thinking like this we weren't fully prepared to fight Dracaz its sure as the Nether not your fault plus you need to know something" I stared at him in shock after telling me about the prophecy "wait I'm a werewolf and a demon but that can't be true" "it is you are to defeat Dracaz and take his place as the Demon Lord I dug into a little bit more of the prophecy you and my sister love each other a lot with that love you can defeat him" I stared into a mirror seeing my eyes were a mix of brown and demonic red instead of my normal ones I got to my feet "huh look at that" "what have I missed?" "Well the blood moon is coming tomorrow night that's when the "sacrifice" is commencing tonight we're sneaking into Dracaz's castle and help Neve" I nodded putting on some clothes next to the medical bed I was lying on I put them on before putting my armours on when entering the main room I was greeted by Neve's family and my Vod
(Now it's back to normal)
(Neve's POV)
I glared at the perverted Demon Lord baring my teeth my hands tied in front of me putting my middle finger up at him the prison rags offered some protection "I can't wait for your defiance to be destroyed with your hope when the ritual finishes" he said licking his lips in a creepy way I let out a beastly growl my fur sprouting as I turned into my full hybrid form my eyes glowing like Herobrine's "oh I can't wait for that virgin soul of yours to be mine" "perverted demon" I hissed my voice a little bit deep he left as I went into my half hybrid form I held my necklace Hunter gave me on my 19th birthday and preyed to the gods that my brothers and boyfriend rescue me "please be alive Hunter" I spoke to the air in a whisper
(Anakin's POV)
I reached into the force focusing on my sister's force signature relief flooded me knowing she's still full of hope "she's alive we need to move" we rode our horses all the way to Dracaz's castle disguised as Demons and hid up in a spot of the throne room and waited as Tech kept track of the Blood moon as I reached my sister telepathically telling her we're here and ready to free her she sent a reply back with happiness and relief Hunter's alive
(Notch's POV)
I passed around our weapons and asked Anakin to give Neve's back to her while the others fought against what's left the enemy while Hunter went to rescue her with Herobrine while I distracted Dracaz we agreed on the plan "for our sister" Anakin whispered we watched as the slaves readied the throne room for the ritual as Dracaz watched in delight Herobrine physically held Hunter back from attacking him "the blood moon is upon us" Dracaz said then went on about what he had planned for our sister we were horrified and disgusted Hunter shaked with rage we quietly reassured him we'll help her in time I hoped we could for Neve's life and her dignity Steve nearly threw up but bit it back Alex was disgusted at Dracaz honestly we all were
(Steve's POV)
I hoped we can save Neve in time before Dracaz does the absolute horrible thing to Neve Herobrine wrapped an arm around me to reassure me that we'll rescue her I prayed to the gods that we could help her Hunter's tail lashed angrily behind him glaring knifes upon Dracaz I patted his arm to reassure him we'll help her
I am so glad I'm not writing what Dracaz was on about in short uhh forcing himself upon Neve uhh basically have the sin against her will basically rape and Hunter's mad he's going to tear Dracaz apart with his guts all over the place yeah

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