lessons and new arrival

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Plot: the daily lives of the princesses and two people arrive to the kingdom

Kiazuki was sitting on a plush cushion, trying to finish their embroidery. They're teacher had left to get them more yarn and music books for their next lesson, this was one of their "breaks" they got. Their teacher had insisted on making a tower or a meadow however Kiazuki made a rabbit knight to go with the story she was creating in her head, Kiazuki sighed looking out the window.

They could see the whole town and other things for miles, she looked down to see her younger sister Hanazuki in the royal garden in the far side of town picking roses.

Kiazuki smirked getting an idea, she threw a paper airplane with an embroidery hanging from it down to where Hanazuki was. It landed near Hanazuki, who took notice and picked it up. Reading the papar she looked up to see Kiazuki waving at her, Hanazuki waved back and quickly ran to the castle.

As Hanazuki dashed through the kingdom's village, she bumped into an unfamiliar face dropping the basket of roses. She picked most of them up while someone else picked up the rest, they hold out the small bouquet for Hanazuki to take.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." Hanazuki said taking the roses. The person nodded, Hanazuki could only see their eyes (which where blue), and some pieces of black hair, a mask was covering the bottom half of their face, a matching cloak and gloves.

The person only nodded as Hanazuki took the flowers, "Thank you, Goodbye" She said running away. The person waved not taken their eyes off Hanazuki who soon ran through the crowd.

Hanazuki soon reached the castle, going through the kitchen she changed out of her peasant clothes and back into one of the gray gowns Depriva had "Gifted" them,

After all the darker the clothes the less people will look at her ugly face

Hanazuki placed the basket of roses on the table for the maid to find before leaving and heading towards the library. She quietly slipped inside and tipped toed around the library searching for her older sister, Hanazuki quickly found Miyumi being lazy doodling some designs on a sheet of paper.

Hanazuki remade the paper airplane and shot it in Miyumi's direction landing on the table for Miyumi to find.

Miyumi grabbed the letter and quickly read it, looking to where Hanazuki was she smiled and gave a thumbs up. Hanazuki then left.

Later that night, the girls gathered back into their room. They all stayed in the room of the tallest tower, that was hidden with an illusion spell. They all had three sperate canopy beds, a closet, and a balcony

Kiazuki bed was on the left side with Emerald sheets, and dark black pillows, and magenta curtains with gold trims. A bookshelf was nearby along with a small doggy bed in front of the bigger one for Zikoro

Hanazuki's bed was in the center, having sunny yellow sheets, rainbow pillows, and soft pink curtains with bronze trims, a white hemka plush she had when she was a baby was hidden in the pillows

Miyumi's bed was on the right, she had dark blue sheets, blue and teal pillows, and mint curtains with sliver trims. She had a vanity with lots of makeup inside.

Kiazuki placed her embroidery inside a chest before sitting down on her bed. Miyumi was putting on some make up while Hanazuki was playing with her rabbit plush.

Kiazuki: So.... how'd everyone's day go?

Miyumi: I got scolded by the teacher for reading books on make up

Hanazuki: I bumped into a stranger

Kiazuki: and I made it to the end.

Miyumi: What...how?

"Easy I hide secrets in my embroidery"

This is what they did every night, sharing their secrets and ideas late into the night.

Meanwhile Queen Depriva was in her lounging chambers, the whole room was filled with lavish and expensive things.

She was looking through taxes, bills, and many other things she owned. Depriva grumbled she'd have more money if she didn't have to raise her "nieces"

"I just need a way to get more money...." Depriva thought


"Alright! That's the last of it." A young blue haired boy said, he turned his direction to his friend. "How are you feeling?"

???: Pretty ok.

"So have you thought of a new name?" The boy asked. The other boy nodded.

????: I decided on Ashlei Eiichi, what about you?

"Hmm, maybe Takuto Yoshi" He answered, Ashlei nodded.

Yoshi: anyway I'll make us something to eat, you go unpack

Ashlei nodded then left.

Going upstairs, Ashlei unpacked most of the things on his side of the room. There was a desk under on his bed to work on things, along with a small bookshelf.

He turned on a light and got to work

Thanks for reading seeya tomorrow 👋

Hanazuki: The Dancing PrincessesWhere stories live. Discover now