I snorted

"Didn't even try. It's not bad though" I said

Then I grabbed my disguise and went to go change

•·.·Pomegranate's POV·.·•

I put on my disguise, then I waited a bit

A couple minutes later, I was still waiting on Espresso

"What is taking you so long?" I asked

"Shut the fuck up" I heard Espresso say

I sighed

'For the leader of a group of followers, their manners are just.. non existent'

After about 20 minutes, Espresso came back looking totally different 

I almost didn't recognize them

"Style takes a while, Pomefart" Espresso said

I rolled my eyes and got up

"Now let's go" Espresso said in a pretty different voice

"How are you- nevermind" I said

Then we both left

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

'I have to say, I made myself look really good and different'

I took a selfie and sent it to my partners

When we got closer to the castle, I braced myself

"When we get there, I do the talking" I said contemptuously 

"Why?" Pomegranate asked

"I want to. Anyways, what's your fake name?"

"Currant Cookie" (fun fact: i actually have an oc named currant cookie)


As soon as we went to the castle gates, the guards went in front of us

"Who are you two and why are you here?" One of them said

I cleared my throat and talked like I never took any testosterone (jsyk, espresso is afab in this au.  they just took testosterone and basically transitioned to be more male presenting)

"My name is Viennese Cookie, and this is Currant Cookie. We're simply here because we would like to join your majesty" I said

"Ah. Follow us to the throne room, then" The other guard said

Then the guards started to lead us to the throne room

"What was that??" Pomegranate mouthed

"I was born a girl. And despite me taking testosterone, I can still do a pretty good feminine voice" I mouthed back

Pomegranate smiled a bit

"That's actually impressive" She mouthed

"Thank you. But remember that we're enemies after this" I mouthed back

"Yeah, I know"

"And here's the throne room" One of the guards said

"Shouldn't we let him know?" The other one said

"Oh yea"

Then they both went in

"Why can't you be more respectful? This is literally the only time you've showed respect" Pomegranate mouthed

"Shut up" I mouthed back

"Alright, you two are free to go in" One of the guard said while opening the door

I nodded, then we both went in

"You two are lucky I'm looking for cookies to work in the castle" Cursed Crystal said

'And you're lucky I haven't beaten your ass yet. Cause I would've put you in your fucking place'

"Anyways, Introduce yourselves" Cursed Crystal said

"My name is Viennese Cookie, and this is Currant Cookie" I introduced

Then I bowed

Pomegranate bowed too

'Ew her bow is gross wtf'

'Probably because she's short'

"Viennese.. That's just espresso with cream. Reminds me of someone" Cursed Crystal said

"Hm?" I hummed

"Reminds me of Espresso Cookie. They definitely have an issue with me. You don't look or sound like them though, so your good"


'Get bamboozled bitch. I am the one and only Espresso Dragon Cookie.. Or Espresso Cookie.. It depends'

"Anyways, worshipping time is in a couple minutes. Guards, lead them to the worshipping room" Cursed Crystal said

'Excuse me, WHAT??'

The guards nodded and started leading us out

"Is he being fucking for real?" I mouthed

"It.. seems like he is" Pomegranate mouthed back

"What the actual fuck are we walking into.."

"I don't know, but let's hope it'll be over soon"


903 Words

a/n i just realized this is starting to seem like a cult

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