I picked my backpack up off the ground and made my way inside the school before third period started. I've never dreaded anything more. This is the one period I really need to go to today, especially since I have a test, so I'm just going to ignore the blood coming from my eyebrow because of that douche bag punching me.

I rounded the corner, trying to wipe the blood away; not really paying attention to my surroundings. I ran straight into someone else, someone as big if not bigger than me. Perfect.

"I'm so sorry!" He said, bending down to pick up his things. All I saw was a blonde head of hair, and I immediately knew who it was. All thoughts of school and that fucking dick went out the window, and suddenly my whole day felt a lot brighter.

"It's alright, love." I smirked at him and leaned against the wall, this is perfect. That made his head snap up, and his eyes widen. He looked up at me, and I looked down at him. It felt like the world stopped moving just for us, like this is a life changing moment and we shouldn't take it for granted. He has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, a pale green color I could stare at all day. He has dirty blonde hair that curls on his head perfectly. Almost as if he takes his time to put each lock of hair where it belongs each morning. He has freckles that spread perfectly across his nose and cheeks, and the cutest dimples when he smiles.

  He clutched his books to his chest and slowly stood up from the floor. We're about the same height, me a little taller by an inch. However, he's definitely more muscular than me, he's the captain of the football team so I know he works out a lot., and it shows. He's wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with some college on it, it's a little big but in a good way, makes him look huggable. He kind of reminds me of a cute little puppy. He's wearing khakis and white converse, very preppy I might add.

He's the top student in every class, teachers can't get enough of him. Students love him too, you can't walk down the hall without hearing his name. He's very popular. I mean, why wouldn't he be? He's hot and funny. I knew he was smart, but what's up with speaking Italian? I did not expect that from him. I mean I know I've only talked to him once, but I always thought I knew him. The golden boy, the player, someone who never even bothered to notice people like me. He's easy to read, especially since I can totally see him checking me out right now. I can't say anything though, because I'm doing the exact same.

   "Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned expression on his face, confusing me but also made me want to smile.

   "Don't worry, you didn't hit me that hard." I smiled at him, tilting my head on instinct.

   "No, I'm talking about your eyebrow." He pointed to my forehead, still concerned about me. "Do you have to go to class this period? Because I'm on my way to work with the nurse, and I can take care of that for you?"

   "No, I don't have class. Nurse me up." I told him, completely ignoring the fact that I do have a class, an important one at that. It's fine. I can take that hit if it means I can find out more about the real Forest. He has such an interesting name, just like he is; interesting. I must find out more about him.

I followed him to the nurses office, totally staring at his ass the entire time. I need to remind myself that I'm pretty sure he's straight, I mean he definitely looks it, but then again what straight man checks you out like he was just a minute ago? Maybe I was imagining it. But maybe I wasn't...

"Um, just sit on that chair right there." He pointed to the red chair in the corner of the room when we entered the office. He started to pull things out of the cabinets, pretty sure it is cotton balls and neosporin. "So, are you gonna tell me your name or what?" He turned around holding the things he needs to fix me up in his hand, sporting a grin on his face.

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