" Wang Fu Ya, tell us the truth. Is it true that Yu Qi was forcing you to write her name on your answer sheet?" Madam Tong verified again.

"Yes..." Wang Fu Ya confidently said yes but been cut by Madam Tong.

"I never thought you would lie to the teachers so openly. Look at this answer sheet." Madam Tong brought out Yu Qi answer sheet earlier. "This is the same questions given to Yu Qi. She answered it all and got the full mark. Not only this subject, Physics, Biology, Math, English, and Language, she got the full mark. Why did she ask you to write her name on your answer when she can perform well than you?"

Wang Fu Ya flabbergasted. She did not know that Yu Qi also answered this kind of questions and also five other subjects. She also scored full mark on all the subject. She thought Yu Qi was been held by the teacher because she did not admit that she was cheating. Who thought that time she had answered the questions prepared to her to prove the truth.

"Wang Fu Ya, you will be punished for 1-month cleaning the toilet for lied to teacher and also slandering your classmate. The janitor will instruct you starting for today. Go and see her after school hours." Madam Tong gave the final say for Wang Fu Ya.

Yu Qi felt she was seeing enough. She slowly exited the Staff Room going back to the classroom. Feng Yue quickly talked to Yu Qi.

"Are you okay?" Feng Yue hold Yu Qi's hand.

"I'm okay. The teacher will not punish me because I'm not guilty." Yu Qi spoke loudly so everyone heard that.

"Yu Qi did you saw Wang Fu Ya? I think she also went to the Staff room an hour ago." A student asked Yu Qi.

"Owh, I did saw her. She went to the staff room to tell the teacher an interesting fact. You can ask you later." Yu Qi gave an ambiguous smile.

The student who been asked Yu Qi felt weird when she saw Yu Qi smiled like that.

C62 - 62: Sign The Contract

Wang Fu Ya entered the classroom. She bet Yu Qi already told everyone in the classroom about her destructive act. How can she stay in this classroom anymore? She wanted to cry and she held back. She did not want to cry in front of everyone especially Yu Qi.

"Wang Fu Ya, what were you told the teacher?" The student who asked Yu Qi earlier curious wanted to find out what was the interesting fact that Wang Fu Ya told the teachers.

"Did Yu Qi told you already? Yes, I told the teachers, she forced me to write her name on my answer sheet making her answer sheet was mine. But the teachers don't believe me. They make me answered some question and look at my result. They had compared that result to Yu Qi's result. She also answered the same question I did. And my result was bad compared to that bitch." Wang Fu Ya was snapped. She blurted everything happened in the Staff Room.

"What? You lie to the teacher and slander Yu Qi's name?"

All of them were flabbergasted. This time, Wang Fu Ya admitted that she was slandering Yu Qi.

"What? Did that bitch told you everything?" Wang Fu Ya hissed.

"Yu Qi did not tell us anything. She told us to ask you about what happened in the Staff Room. I never thought a girl like you would do something like that. So, I guessed the rumor was true then. Your family hated Yu Qi and abused her." A girl who also hated Wang Fu Ya voiced her opinion.

Then, people started mumbling about all the rumor regarding Yu Qi and Wang Family.

"Did you happy, Yu Qi? You destroy our reputation." Wang Fu Ya screamed to Yu Qi who talking to Feng Yue and did not pay any attention to Wang Fu Ya.

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