Part 2

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That night, I sat in the car with Thing beside me, flipping a magazine for hand jewelry and nail polish. Lurch is driving us back to Nevermore Academy. My parents and brother didn't bother coming with me, they seem happier to see me go and leave them.

Tsk. They're dumping me off. This is why I planned to leave after I finished high school and go somewhere else.

I have the letter in my hands. I decided to keep it in case I find another clue that could help me in this new case I'll be handling. This time I will know who to trust, and what to do after the Tyler and Thornhill incident. I can't let mistakes happen again, I have to be more keen and stealthy.

I haven't told anyone that I'll be coming back tonight. I don't want them swarming over me like leeches about to suck my blood, especially Enid who will make a commotion for being loud.

A thing crawls on my shoulder, making hand signs.

"I don't know what to do yet, give me time," I said, taking my new laptop from my bag.

I know I said that I don't want to be a slave to technology, but turns out writing on a computer is much easier and more efficient, plus it saves me money from buying more paper and ink for the typewriter. Though I still like to type on that typewriter. I made my parents buy me one after I returned from last school year, as a way to compensate for sending me to that torture of a school.

Thing hand signs again.

"I'm not telling anyone yet. I want a good night's rest with nightmares, I can deal with their drama tomorrow." I said, opening the folder where I'm writing my next novel.

I'll be writing my new case for this novel, turns out the new editor I sent my piece likes it. Even though I wanted it to be labeled as a mystery thriller, I'm fine with the mystery fantasy as long as it's approved. If not, I'll send her a box of spiders and a mouse trap just like the previous editor.

Even my novel has taken a wild turn. I can't believe I'm adding and giving her a love interest based on my situation with Tyler and Xavier, even though I was wrong in assuming Xavier liked me. I wasn't planning on having any feelings involved between us. I was born to be alone for the rest of my life, and he'll be miserable with me. But that doesn't mean Viper and Caleb will have the same fate.

"Ugh," I grumbled. This is ridiculous, I've gone too soft, and it's annoying fuck.

Lurch grumbles. When I look up I can already see the school's gate. It automatically opened and let us in. I can see the torches and lamps lit inside the castle which is the school's main building. I specifically told the new principal not to announce my arrival and that I will be staying in a different room tonight but to my dismay, she didn't allow me but promised not to tell anyone as long as I spend the night at my old dorm room with my roommate Enid.

Lurch helped me with my luggage and when all my stuff is out of the trunk, he left with an allowance from my parents.

Carefully, I trudge the stairs to the dormitory. My room is at the very top of the penthouse. Being short and wearing heeled boots made it harder to carry the trolley that was about half my size but I managed. Thing knocked on the door, but no one opened to answer.
He knocks again, but still no response.

I knocked this time, "Enid, open the door."

Still no response from my bubbly roommate. So I decided to go inside without an invitation.
When I opened the door, there was no one. Enid's bed is still not messed up. But there are nail polish, nail files, and nail stickers on the carpet of her side of the room. Her cellphone is there to play a video of a nail art tutorial.

"Where is she?" I ask Thing.

He went to the balcony and motioned for me to come over. When I got there I found Enid lying on the floor with only her jacket covering her body, dirt on her fingers, and her blonde hair has bits of dried leaves.

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