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The two of you silently trudge home. The atmosphere is dark and dull, the two of you waiting for one to kill the stillness. You are filled with humiliation as you fell for his foolish French kiss. Hanma, on the other hand is just overwhelmed.

You decide to kill the silence with a negative comment,'just to let you know Hanma, that little kiss was just for the play, no romance or anything okay. We're just friends. That's all.'

'just friends? not even best friends?'

'Oh shut up. You can decide on that one.' You utter, enraged.

Once again, the conversation dies as the destination the two of you would always walk to has reached.

'well,bye Shuji-chan!!' you exclaim, waving happily at him like nothing had just happened.

You patiently wait for a response, but never got it. You just watch as he departs, misery getting to you.

'bye y/n-chan!!!~' just the thought made you burst into tears.

'y/n!! you okay??' you notice your mother calling out from the window.

You lie with an excuse, that you had eaten something hot, making you even more dejected, as you can't even tell your true feelings to anyone. Hanma was always the one you would tell them to. But this time you couldn't. You silently walk up the stairs to enter your bedroom.

Laying on the bed, you begin tearing up and running into your personal balcony. Looking down, you let your true tears out of your face.

You grab your phone out, meanwhile sulking and wiping the tears away, and begin reading your old chats between him.

you remember he had booked a rooftop just for the two of you to attend, on February 14

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you remember he had booked a rooftop just for the two of you to attend, on February 14.
(linkback to chapter 4)

'I wonder if he still wants me to come.. our friendship is ruined. I'll still try come though.. even if he doesn't come I'll..' your sentence cuts off as tears replace your words. You cover your mouth, speechless. 'I miss him so much.. I never knew myself how much I appreciated his company.. I love him. Romantically, not platonically this time.'
You stop tearing, and look up with a look of confidence, 'Next time we meet.. I'm gonna confess to him. No matter what. I need to get that feeling off my chest.'

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