But First Coffee

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I woke up exhausted as usual, i needed something to wake up... coffee. That's it. I got up and got changed into my favourite hoodie which had the in case i make it logo on there, and some jeans, grabbed my phone and earbuds and headed out the door. I scrolled through my playlists until i got to a playlist i liked and pressed play. My favorite song "Love, Me Normally" came on and i knew today was going to be great. I head to my favourite small coffee shop, "Bermuda Triangle Coffee." funny name I know but they serve some good espresso. I head to the coffee shop and I open the door to the overwhelming smells of fresh coffee grounds and freshly baked treats. I look around and see people chatting, students bright and early studying, and random strangers sipping their coffee. I noticed my music had changed to Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal NY (Bones). I got in line and started playing cats and soup on my phone. When i got closer to the counter i recognised a voice, the man i front of me had a familiar voice, but i couldn't put my finger on it... i swear i had heard his voice from before... I brushed it off as he stepped aside and i ordered my usual sweet cream iced coffee with pumpkin bread. When i was finished paying i sat down and noticed the man in front of me sitting one seat away. He had chocolate hair, he was wearing eyeball earrings and an eye on his head.. he looked strange, but i liked his style. I noticed he looked a lot like the person on the normal album..

"uhh hello!" i said

He looked slightly panicked for some reason

"ohh! uhh hello.."

"what's your name? sorry you just look familiar.."

"ohh uhh- my name-.."

"oh if you'd rather not tell me that's fine! it's odd for a stranger to ask"

i felt kinda bad for assuming things..

"oh it's fine.. my name is will"

will.. reminds me of will wood, but this can't be him right?? no.. i realised i had never actually taken the time to look up what will wood looks like.. so how would i know?

"well i'm y/n! it's nice to meet you!"

I extended my hand for a handshake, he seemed confused yet a bit for calmer than before, he shook my hand back and we started talking about random things,like music, and his pet rats.

He noticed my hoodie and seemed slightly worried.. did he not like will woods music?

"soo you uhh- like will woods music?"

"like!? omg i love his music! i listen to it almost everyday! i love his music! do you listen to him?"

he started to laugh, amused by my excitement over the music

"yes i do, i also enjoy his music, but have you never seen him?"

i gave him a guilty look

"no i don't know why but i haven't taken the time to see what he looks like but i plan on going to a live show of his soon so i'll see him there! i wanna keep it a suprise!"

he started laughing a little harder at my comment

"well that's good, who doesn't love a surprise!"

we started talking about some other stuff as time flew by. I enjoyed his company, but soon enough 8:30 turned into 1:45, we had been talking for a looooongg time. And it was time for me to go home. I asked for his number, he seemed slightly skiddish to give it to me, but he complied and gave it to me, i added his contact as "Will" and had his profile as a rat in his honor. We departed ways and I went home smiling about the new, yet odd friend i made.

(ELLO!! hi uhm- thank you for reading this! this is just a start i really have no idea where i'm going with this but it's going! so thank you so much for reading and i hope you enjoyed this!)

words: 687

Lysergide Dream|| y/n meets Will Wood!! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें