LordBug and CatNoir

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    "Centuries ago, magical jewels that grant extraordinary powers were created, they were the Miraculous.
  Throughout history, heroes have used these gems for the good of the human race, two of these miraculous are more powerful than the others.
   The ladybug's earrings that provide the power of creation and the black cat's ring that guarantees the power of destruction, according to legend, whoever controls these two jewels at the same time, will attain absolute power."

Gabriel-I want that absolute power, Nooroo, I have to have these Miraculous!Nooroo-But nobody knows where these Miraculous areGabriel-But I found you, my little Nooroo, your Miraculous, remind me of his power again

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-I want that absolute power, Nooroo, I have to have these Miraculous!
-But nobody knows where these Miraculous are
-But I found you, my little Nooroo, your Miraculous, remind me of his power again.
-This brooch allows you to grant someone superpowers and makes that person a devoted follower.
-When it comes to attracting superheroes, what could be better than creating supervillains?
-But, master, the Miraculous were not made for evil purposes.
      Gabriel screams in rage
-I must have this absolute power! Your Miraculous is under my control! I am your master now! You must obey me!
-Yes Master.
      So Gabriel puts the Miraculous
-Nooroo, Dark wings grow!
      Then he transforms.
-From now on I will be known as Hawk Moth.
      And he gives an evil laugh,meanwhile away from there,a Kwami named Wayzz was sleeping inside a record player wakes up,flies out and goes to Master Fu who was attending to a man and is called to him, but Master Fu disguises
-Master, master! It's a song, it's all part of the treatment.
       Then he dismisses the man, pushing him out of the room.
-Thanks for coming, see you next week!
       Then he closes the door and Wayzz says.
-Master, the Miraculous Morph, I felt his aura.
Master Fu
-I thought I was lost forever.
-But master, it's a negative aura, I'm afraid he fell into the wrong hands.
Master Fu
-We have to find Nooroo and his Miraculous, if it fell into the wrong hands I don't know what evil could happen to us,shell on.
         He tries to transform, but he can't and Wayzz goes to him.
-Please, master, be sensible, it's being...
Master Fu
-Too young, I'm only 186 and a half years old, but you're right, I can't do this alone anymore, we need help.
       Then he goes to the record player and presses some specific buttons revealing the Miraculous box and meanwhile away from there,a boy and a girl arrive on bicycles at Colegio Françoise Dupont, then the girl gets off the back and gives the boy the helmet
-Bye, Luka
-Want me to pick you up after class?
-No need, I'll go with Rose.
-Ok, good class
        So Juleka will wait for Rose to arrive and Luka looks to the side and sees an elderly man with a cane trying to cross the street,So Luka gets off the bike, leaves it leaning against the school wall and goes to the old man.
-Want some help?
        So Luka helps the old man cross the street and the old man talks to Luka while Wayzz discreetly places a small box in the basket of Luka's bike.
-Thank you young man.
-You're welcome, I need to go now, take care
        And Luka crosses the street again and I walk off pushing the bike towards the school and he notices the little box that appeared out of nowhere in the basket of his bike,but in the meantime a girl named Marinette runs to Colégio Françoise Dupont carrying a box of macarons and enter Mrs. Bustier's room and the teacher speaks to the boy in the last row.
-Nino, why don't you sit in the front row this year?
        So Nino goes to the first row grumbling and sits down, while Marinette sits in the second row, but Chloé approaches her.
-Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
-There we go again.
-This place is mine!
-Chloé, this has always been my place.
-It's Not Over, New Year, New Places
-So why don't you get up and sit next to that new girl over there.
        She points to Alya and then speaks to Marinette.
-Listen, Adrien is arriving today and since that's going to be his place, this is going to be my place, got it?!
-Who is Adrien?
         Chloé and Sabrina laugh at Marinette.
-Do you believe she doesn't know who Adrien is? What cave do you live in girl?!
-He's just a famous model
-And I'm his best friend, he loves me, come on, get out!
        Then Alya approaches Chloé.
-Then, who elected you the queen of places?
        Chloe speaks mockingly
-Look Sabrina,We have a benefactress in the class this year!What are you gonna do, rookie? Shoot lightning at me with your glasses?
-You won't like to know
         Then Alya grabs Marinette by the arm and pulls her towards her desk,but Marinette trips in the middle of the way letting the box of macarons fall,so Marinette gathers everything and sits next to Alya, then Teacher Bustier starts class
-Alright, is everyone in their seats?
        Then Alya tells Marinette
- Relax girl, it's okay.
-I wanted to respond to Chloé like you.
-I mean as the Majesty answers,she says that what is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing,that girl over there is evil and we are the good people, we can't let her win.
-Look, that's a lot easier said than done, she loves to tease me
-It's because you allow it, you just need more confidence, eh...
       Then Marinette takes the last Macaron from the box and shares it with Alya.
        So the two eat the Macaron halves and meanwhile the teacher introduces herself.
-For those who don't know me yet, I'm Mrs Bustier, I will be your teacher this year.
        Meanwhile Chloe complains
-He had already arrived.
        And meanwhile, Adrien was running towards the school, but a car comes around and parks, a woman named Nathalie gets out of the car screaming at Adrien.
-Please reconsider, you know what your father wants!
-But I want to do it!
         So Adrien was going to enter the school, until he notices an elderly man lying on the ground and trying to get the cane, so he runs to help him and helps him up.
-Thanks my young man
         Then Adrien turns and sees Nathalie and Gorilla blocking the stairs and goes to them.
-I just want to go to school like everyone else, what's wrong with that? Please don't tell my dad, okay?
         And Nathalie and Gorila take Adrien to the car, then Master Fu walks away, meanwhile in Teacher Bustier's class, students put away the materials while she speaks.
-Who has Physical Education, Mr. D'Argencourt is waiting in the gym, the rest can go to the library
       Then she is startled to hear a student yelling angrily.
Mrs Bustier
- Ivan, what's going on?
-It's Kim, he's teasing me!
Mrs Bustier
-Ivan, go calm down in the principal's office!
          Then he crumples up Kim's note in anger and leaves the room, meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair.
-Negative emotions, that's perfect, that's what I need, anger, sadness, burn hard in his heart, my terrible akuma.
          Then he creates an Akuma and releases it.
-Fly there, my little Akuma and bring him to harm!
         And Akuma goes flying to the school, where outside, Mr D'Argencourt takes Kim, Max, Alix, Nino and Rose to Physical Education class.But inside the school, Ivan enters and opens the door of Mr. Damocles' office.
-Excuse me, young man, didn't anyone ever teach you how to knock on the door? Go on, go back outside! Let's try again.
         Angry, Ivan leaves the room and an Akuma flies at him and enters the crumpled paper and the Akuma symbol appears in front of Ivan's face and Hawk Moth begins to speak.
-Stoneheart, I am Hawk Moth, I grant you power to avenge those who wronged you.
-All right, Hawk Moth.
          And a purple and black smoke comes out of the paper and covers Ivan in full and turns him into the Heart of Stone, meanwhile Mr. Damocles was waiting.
-Yes, come in!
         And the door goes flying off its hinges and Stoneheart storms into the room screaming Kim's name,but what happened makes Sr.Damocles fall and the students in the library also fall at every step of the Stoneheart,but the students scream and run away, in the middle of the rush Alya takes Marinette by the hand and leads her to the television in the library,where they see Stoneheart screaming Kim's name on one of the monitors and Marinette is confused.
-What is happening?
         Alya talks excitedly
-It's a real supervillain! GPS: check, Battery: check, I'm getting out of here!
-Wait, where are you going?
-Where there's a supervillain, there's a superhero around and I won't miss it for nothing!
       And I ran out of the library, leaving Marinette behind who is watching the television again and meanwhile in the Agreste mansion,Nathalie was asking Adrien some questions about French history, but Gabriel interrupts.
-Give me a minute please Nathalie.
-Yes sir
         Then Gabriel speaks to Adrien.
-You're not going to school, I already told you!
-But dad...
-Everything you need is here, where I can keep an eye on you! You're not going out into this dangerous world!
-It's not dangerous, Dad! I'm always stuck here alone, why can't I go out and make friends like everyone else?!
-Because you are not like everyone else! You are my son!
        So Gabriel walks away and Nathalie approaches Adrien
-If you want, we can stop for today.
        So Adrien runs to his bedroom and meanwhile Luka was at Freedom after class was canceled and was sitting on his bed playing some guitar and all of a sudden he gets a message from Juleka, he looks and sees that it was a link to the story about the Stoneheart
-What a...
         Meanwhile in the Agreste mansion, Adrien is in his room lying in bed, until he feels a tremor,then he runs outside and sees police cars and sees police readying their guns to shoot Stoneheart,they shoot when Roger gives the command, but when they shoot Stoneheart, he gets bigger,takes a police car and throws it at the police while the police take cover.
        So Adrien runs to his room and turns on the TV for the report about the Stoneheart and he and Luka are watching the report simultaneously and Adrien looks at the table in front of him and sees a Hexagonal box.
-What is it doing here?
        Meanwhile Luka just takes his that he had saved.
-First the box appears out of nowhere and now this, this day couldn't get any weirder.
        And simultaneously the two open the boxes and from each one a strong light comes out that makes the two retreat,from Luka's box came out a sphere of red light and Tikki materializes in front of Luka who only reacts by saying.
-Now there's really no way this day could get any weirder.
         Meanwhile in Adrien's room a sphere of greenish-yellow light comes out of the box and Plagg materializes in front of Adrien,but instead of being scared, he reacts with curiosity.
-Wait, are you like a genie in a bottle?
-I met the genie in the lamp, he only grants wishes, I'm much nicer, Plagg, nice to meet you.
        And Plagg keeps flying around the room and making a huge mess and Adrien keeps trying to catch him and after a while he manages to catch Plagg.
-I still don't know what you're doing here.
-Look, I'm a Kwami, I grant powers and yours is that of destruction, got it?
       Adrien shakes his head and Plagg quickly changes the subject.
-Great, now is there something to eat? I'm hungry!
-My dad did that, didn't he? Wait, it can't be, he doesn't have a sense of humor.
      Plagg gets loose
-Your father cannot know that I exist and no one else.
     And meanwhile at Freedom, Tikki was talking to Luka
-I'm a Kwami and my name is Tikki, now let me explain,eu I grant you the power of creation, with my help you will become a Superhero and you will have a partner
-What partner?
        Meanwhile in Adrien's room.
-But I'm stuck here, I'm not even allowed to go to school, what's the use of a superhero stuck inside the house?!
       Plagg speaks as he unrolls a roll of toilet paper on the floor.
-It's no use, that's why everything will change soon, if you're willing to change
       Meanwhile in Freedom, Luka exchanges his usual earrings for the ladybug miraculous that in camouflaged form for Luka are the same as the previous ones.
-On the bright side, no one will even notice a difference, is there anything else I need to know?
-You have to break the object where Akuma is, to free him and then you have to capture him.
-Endenti and can you explain the talisman again?
-The talisman is your special power,he basically gives you the necessary object to stop the akumatized and after the fight,you use it to undo all the damage the Akumatized has caused, but after using its power you only have 5 minutes to transform back.
-Got it, anything else?
-To transform into a hero, you just have to say "Tikki, Spots on" or just "Spots on"
-I understand, Tikki, Spots on!
        Then Tikki enters the miraculous and Luka transforms

LordBug and Cat Noir AU (English)Where stories live. Discover now