Chapter 5: USJ part 1

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Y/N woke up from his bed, and realized that he only had 20 minutes to get to school! He quickly got out of bed and went into the kitchen and grabbed a bot of mighty-o's (All Might cheerios) and dumped some in his mouth, then he poured milk in his mouth so technically he was eating cereal. He chewed and swallowed it. Then he rushed into the bathroom to brush his teeth, so he just squirted Toothpaste in his mouth and just scrubbed.

He couldn't get the tie on this time, so he just decided to ditch it. He barely had his coat on and didn't buckle his belt. He grabbed his things and swung the door open and-

Yaoyorozu: Hey y.......n...

Y/N's mouth was all bubbly from the toothpaste, his hair was a mess, and barely had his uniform on. Y/N wiped his mouth.

Y/N: HEY-H-ey Yaoyoroz-zu!

Yaoyorozu: Rough morning?

Y/N: yeah i uh i fell down the stairs...heh (thinking) GOD IM SUCH AN IDIOT!! (Out loud)
Say uh, what are you d-doing here?

Yaoyorozu: Oh nothing, i just thought we could walk to school together! I mean i walk past your house to school everyday so-

Y/N: yep! Sounds good! Lemme just...fix my coat..

Yaoyorozu: Um...*snort* Y/N?

Y/N: yeah whats up?

Yaoyorozu: *chuckle* your fly is down!

Y/N's face turns deep red as he zips up his pants.

Y/N: (thinking) What a horrible morning. Glad Yaoyorozu was there to make it better, though.


Y/N: hey Midoriya! I was wondering, why are you wearing your gym clothes?

Deku: Oh, well they got heavily damaged with my fight with kacchan,

Y/N: makes sense. By the way, Congratulations on becoming class rep, Iida!

Iida: thank you Y/N. It really means a lot.

Yaoyorozu: by the way, y/n who did you vote for?

Y/N: I...Uh...

Iida: you don't have tell us if your not comf-

Y/N: N-no its fine, uh-

Aizawa: ok, everyone inside

Y/N: (thinking) thank god....

Thirteen: Hello Students!

Midoriya: hey! I know you! You are pro hero thirteen!

Thirteen: Indeed i am! Now, here we have several different land forms, such as this rock wall, and this lake, a windstorm, and a fire! I call it the USJ!

Everyone: ...just like universal studios Japan....

Thirteen: What is that....

Then, out of nowhere, a portal opens up, and out come hundreds of villains of all shapes and sizes.

Aizawa: stay back children! This is real!

Everyone gasps.

Kirishima: no way...real villains?!

Y/N: this can't be good. First my stressful morning and now this...grr.

Nomu: the only heroes i see is thirteen and eraserhead.

Shigaraki: i went through so much trouble to bring my friends here...maybe I'll have to kill a few students if they get in my way.

Without hesitation, aizawas scarf shoots in the air.

Universal Love (Momo Yaoyorozu x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن