Chapter One

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(*Kenny, our camera man, is still trying to get everything ready*)

Me: What's taking so long?

Vinnie: I don't know.

Kenny: F*ck! I told them not to mess it up!

(*After Kenny FINALLY gets the camera set up...*)

Kenny: Annnnd....ACTION!

Me: *waves at the camera* Hello Kiss Fans! Today, me and the Ankh Warrior are doing the "Can say no" challenge!

Vinnie: *smiles* I can't wait to do mine once you're finished.

Me: Umm...hehe. 😅 We'll get to that later when that time comes. Anyway, let's begin!

Vinnie: What do you want to do first, love?

Me: Hmm...🤔 I want a movie!

Vinnie: Sounds like fun. What movie are we watching?

Me: You'll see! Now, let's go.

Vinnie: *smiles* Okay.

Me: And don't forget to bring Cinnamon with you, okay? *goes upstairs to change into warmer clothes because it's cold outside, like 23 Fahrenheit*

Vinnie: *is confused* Why does she want to bring her cat with us?

(*After getting ready to go out*)

Vinnie: *is putting on his winter jacket and gloves* I don't understand why she wants you to come along with us, Cinnamon.

Cinnamon (my cat) *is dressed up in a jacket that's made for pets* Meow!

The "Can't Say No Challenge" (Ft. Vinnie Vincent AKA "The Ankh Warrior")Where stories live. Discover now