The Am-AH-zon race

Start from the beginning

"You couldn't have thought of a better title?" Scarlet interrupted.

"Well what would you call it, Miss Know-it-all?" Chris glared

"Amazon pain forest?" Scarlett suggested "It's both fitting of whatever torture you're going to put us through, and an excellent play on words"

"Whatever" Chris said, knowing that that was a better name, but not wanting to admit it "Anyway, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted... oh right! Teams must hike along an ancient Inca trail all the way to Machu Pichu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Machu Pichu, a golden treasure awaits discovery! Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination! Last team to arrive at Machu Pichu sends someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle contains many vicious insects!"


Alex: *Puts on bug spray*


Cody's eyes widened and he raised his hand.

Chris rolled his eyes "Yes Cody, the legal department has made me VERY aware of your deathly allergies" he sighed "And have INSISTED we supply an EpiPen." He held it up.

Cody tried to grab it, but Chris held it just out of reach.

"Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergy" Chris smirked "What if you need an injection while you're unconscious?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Me! I can take it!" Sierra pleaded, jumping up and down.

"Who can we get to take this?" Chris said, ignoring Sierra completely.

"Ohhhhhh! Chris! Chris!" Sierra pleaded.

Cody stared at Gwen with puppy dog eyes. The goth girl sighed "I'll take it" she said with an eyeroll.

Sierra gasped "What?! No!!! I'm the only one who knows what send Cody into anaphylactic shock!!! Black ants, red ants, brown ants, poggio beans, wolf spiders, katydid crickets, the clear-winged cithearias pireta butterfly, and GOAT SALIVA!" she rambled.

"Goat saliva?" Chris chuckled "Must make dating tough, eh Cody?"


Scarlett: ...I don't get it


"Here you go Gwen" Chris said, tossing her the EpiPen. She gasped and just managed to catch it.

"Also in the jungle are the Zing-Zings" Chris continued, holding up a picture of the mention Zing-Zings "A native tribe who have never encountered modern man, and they're not about so if you see a Zing-Zing, do not make contact! They-".

Chef started playing a drum, distracting Chris.

"Will you stop that?" Chris glared. Chef stopped and rolled his eyes.

"How far is it to mucky pigeon?" Owen asked.

"Machu Pichu is a hop, skip and a jump away! Plus eighteen hours!" Chris grinned. We all groaned in annoyance.

"The jungle is too dangerous to travel at night, so teams must break at dusk and camp along the trail until sunrise" Chris continued

"And I assume there are no tents?" Alejandro guessed

"Correctamundo" Chris said "Now, because the playing field is so vast and dangerous, each team will have a walkie talkie for emergencies." He handed each team a walkie talkie "Teams, I wish you good luck! or at very least, a lack of death!"

We walked to two paths.

"Eneie, meenie, miney... left?" Lindsay said. Dj and I shrugged before following her.

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