"There is nothing I can do for you."

Lady Redwood glared at him with brazen contempt. "I will never forgive you for this."

"I can't imagine that you would."

"And I'll see that you pay."

Harry was very familiar with the woes of motherly revenge. "I'm sure you will."

Lady Redwood rose and Harry did too. "Goodbye, Lord Hawthorne."

Harry rang for Reginald once she was gone.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Can you give me the latest gossip column for this week? Actually, can I have all the columns that mention Miss Redwood once she started her service?"

Reginald returned with a sizable leaflet of papers and Harry sat and read them all. Harry had never felt more than impotent irritation reading the gossip columns. But he had never read about them unfairly slighting someone else. Now, his vision was spotted with blackness. A couple of weeks ago, he wouldn't have batted an eye at ruining a gentile lady who'd chosen this life for herself. Society had no respect for him, why should he have any respect for it? However, Penelope wasn't just the countess' daughter anymore. She was something more. He rang for his valet next.

"You called, Sir."

Harry held up the paper. "I need to find the author of these wretched gossip columns. Now."


THE last thing Penelope expected to see while she was dusting a picture was her mother. But, there she was, walking down the hall from the drawing room. Penelope froze. The countess turned around and met eyes with her daughter before shaking her head and going on her way.

"Why are you here?" Penelope asked.

"Why do you think?"

"Did you really come to see me?"

"No, dear." Her voice was frigid

Penelope's heart sank. "So you came to see him."

"I did."

"Well." Penelope did not need to say what they already knew. Obviously the countess tried to convince the Earl to let her go. "What did he say?"

"He said he could not help me."

Penelope was ashamed to feel so relieved. "He is not the man you think he is, Mother."

Diana's lips split into a pained grimace. "I'm sure."

Penelope took a desperate step forward. "I know what the papers are saying. I know what the duchess is saying and what Solomon is saying but Mother..." Penelope's teeth clamped on her bottom lip. "It isn't true."

Diana's eyes narrowed. She looked insulted. "Darling, please."

"I'm telling the truth. I would never take a post to live with my lover. I'm not stupid."

"Of course you aren't." Sarcasm dripped from her every word.

"I understand that sounds slightly less ridiculous than what I'm doing now."

"Only slightly?"

"Mother, please."

"Penelope..." Her mother's face was clouded with grief. Penelope's heart ached. "End this charade. Come home."

Penelope bit her lip harder. She wished her decision did not have to cause her mother so much pain. "You know I cannot."

"I hope he is worth it, my dear," Diana whispered. Then, she was gone.

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