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Name: (Y/N) Garie Tuman
Classification number: XMH_020
Age: ???
Hight: what ever
Gender: female
Race: Autoscore (living Doll)
Element: Water
Sexuality: lesbian

Personality: overdramatic, flirtatious, Sarcastic, playful, sadistic when fighting, battle junkie, arrogant, girly, anger easily, perverted, smartLikes: gears, automaton, dancing, the beach, cute things, fighting, girls, water, sweets, ballet, mus...

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Personality: overdramatic, flirtatious, Sarcastic, playful, sadistic when fighting, battle junkie, arrogant, girly, anger easily, perverted, smart
Likes: gears, automaton, dancing, the beach, cute things, fighting, girls, water, sweets, ballet, music, tinkering, Y, the other three, strength, cute things
Dislikes: electromagnetics, not fighting, the weak, bad guys, sour things, not dancing, The government


The holy grail : allows her to steel memories from people when she kisses someone but can also transfer them to another one of the autoscores.

The holy grail : allows her to steel memories from people when she kisses someone but can also transfer them to another one of the autoscores

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Ice shield: makes a small hexagon shaped made of frozen air

Water alchemy: allows her to control water in its normal state or the moisture in the air

Illusion master: allows her to alter the reflections off of water particles to produce an optical illusion

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Illusion master: allows her to alter the reflections off of water particles to produce an optical illusion.

Illusion master: allows her to alter the reflections off of water particles to produce an optical illusion

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Icicle coffin: produces icicle like projectiles

Icicle coffin: produces icicle like projectiles

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The gears turn the score (CWP Harem x Autoscore female reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora