chapter 2

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i woke up to someone poking me and shaking me. i just rubbed my eyes and opened them. i blinked a few times bc of the lights. 

"we arrived! we arrived!" julia said all excited. 

i looked out the window and we were about to land. brazil has always been beautiful. not going to lie. i was so happy to be here. i was finally starting to feel better. 

i didn't bring a carry on but julia did so she grabbed hers. we then walked off the plane and went to go get our luggage. 

"wait who's picking us up?" i asked

"thiago" she replied

i remembered thiago. it's been such a long time. he has made a visit to america once but never came back. now we are making a visit to him. 

we saw him holding a paper with Julia's name on it. we ran up and hugged each other.

"wow! maria i haven't seen you in so long you look so diffferent! of course in a good way" thiago said

"thank you! and so do you" i said

"well let's go. also you guys don't mind if i pick up a friend do you?" he asked

"i dont mind" julia said

"i don't either" i said.

we walked to thiago's car and put our luggages in the trunk. julia sat in the front and i sat in the back. i went on my phone and checked my socials. i had a pretty good amount of followers on instagram and tiktok. i was pretty well known. on tiktok i had around 5-ish million and i had 1-2mill on insta. but i wouldn't call myself famous. 

thiago had arrived at his friends house that yet i still didn't know who. he texted away on his phone. pretty sure he was texting his friend. 

i was right. soon after, a man came out and walked over to thiago's car. he entered and sat in the back with me. 

"hey" he said to thiago, me and julia

"hey" we all replied back.

thiago's friend has the most prettiest eyes, nice tattoos, nice brown hair.

"my name is neymar, what's yours?" he asked me

"my name is maria" i replied. i'm assuming he had already known Julia. 

"well tell me some things about yourself" he said

"well you know my name. i'm 29 years old. i came to brazil because of julia but also because i needed a break from my family. me and my family don't go well for reasons that i don't want to waste your time with." i said. honestly, i feel like he wouldn't want to know either way. 

"you would never waste my time. but i'm 30, i love soccer. apparently im a professional others say." he said.

"do you have any socials? like instagram or tiktok?" he asked

"i have both actually" i replied

"let me follow you. what's your username on both?" he asked

"yea, both of them are mariasilva" i said. i didn't want to do anything creative for my usernames for my socials so i just combined my first and last name. maria silva. 

"alright, just followed you on both" he said.

i checked and he did follow me back.

"wow you do have tons of followers" he said

"people like what i post i guess" i replied

i checked his socials and he had tons! i mean tons! a bit over 20 million followers on tiktok and over 180 million on instagram.

Brazil - Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now