A Triple Celebration

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It is a triple celebration at Beltane Manor as it is the second day of Yuletide as well as Lord Andrew Charles Howard 41st birthday and Lady Anastasia Christina Howard 6th birthday and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart is traveling to Beltane Manor to celebrate her youngest son birthday with him as she had him 41 years ago in 2250 and to help celebrate her 4th granddaughter 6th birthday as she was born on her father's birthday in 2285.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR with his two older sons, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and Lord Patrick William Howard II with their families and Lady Sarah with Lady Frederica travel to Beltane Manor from together from their territories.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II, Lord Andrew Charles Howard favorite first cousin travel with his family from Wessex Territory along with Lord Fredrick William Howard and his family along with Lord Thomas William Howard.

Lord Richard William Carey with his two children, Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey will be present.

Lady Karissa with all of their children are planning a grand triple celebration for Lord Andrew Charles and their sister, Lady Anastasia Christina who is coming in from Bedford Territory with her mother, Lady Theresa Hardwick.

Lady Karissa walks over to Lord Andrew Charles and she tells him "Happy 41st Birthday Lord Andrew Charles."  

"Thank you Lady Karissa. I can't believe I am 41 years old already." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"You were not quite 24 years old when we married each other." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You were only 23 years old and we have been married for 16 years now." Lady Karissa tells him.

'You were not even 24 years old when Lady Elizabeth was born,  you weren't even 26 years old when Lady Samhain was born, you weren't even 30 years old when Lord Anthony Christopher was born,  you weren't even 35 years old when Lord Albert Edward was born, and you just turned 35 years old when Lady Anastasia Christina was born, and you were only 40 years old when Lady Sophia Dorothea was born.' Lady Karissa reminds him.

"You are only 41 years old and you already have four daughters and two sons." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I do believe your father had completed his family with your mother at the same age." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lady Patricia walks into the living room at Beltane Manor and she smiles " Happy Birthday my dearest son. I remember the day you were born 41 years ago at Norfolk Estate. " Lady Patricia tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"You were my last baby and my youngest child and son. " Lady Patricia states, "My father could not have been happier when I gave him three grandsons as he was a good friend with your paternal grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Senior." 

"You are the beloved brother of Lady Patricia Charlene and Lady Charlotte Augusta until your father married them off." Lady Patricia tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I remember the day that you saw Lady Charlotte married and you cried." Lady Patricia tells her son.

"Lord Andrew Charles. You have not disappointed your sister, Lady Charlotte Augusta as she was the one who told your father that you would succeed him to the Dukedom of Norfolk." Lady  Patricia tells her son.

"You did what your other two brothers didn't do until after you. You gave your father his heiress, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard and he had to wait for her for half of his life to arrive." Lady Patricia states.

"Mother. I had help. Lady Karissa also gave my father his golden hair heiress and she was the one to name his golden hair heiress." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Lady Karissa and Lady Theresa have given my father 4 granddaughters and two grandsons." Lord Andrew Charles states " I love all my children including Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey." 

Lady Theresa Hardwick arrives with Lady Anastasia Christina and Lady Theresa walks in with Lady Anastasia and she curtsy to Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Patricia and Lady Anastasia Christina walks over to her father " Happy Birthday Papa."   Lady Anastasia Christina tells her father.

Lord Andrew Charles smiles and picks Lady Anastasia Christina up and he tells her " Happy 6th Birthday my dear Little Duchess of Northampton Territory. " and he gives her a kiss.

"You know mother. The best birthday present I ever received was Lady Anastasia Christina Howard on my 35th birthday." Lord Andrew Charles tells his mother. 

"Lord David William Beck, your first cousin once removed celebrates his birthday to day and he is 46th years old and his son, Lord David William Beck II celebrates his 15 birthday today."  Lady Patricia states.

"I wonder why Lady Karissa didn't invite them over to Beltane." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Lady Karissa told me that they are celebrating at White-Hall Manor." Lady Patricia tells her son.

One by one, Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony , Lord Albert Edward, Lady Caroline Matilda, and with Lord Richard William carrying Lord Benjamin Lawrence in his arms and Lady Karissa carrying Lady Sophia Dorothea walks into the living room with Lord Charles Andrew JR with Lord Andrew Charles two brothers, and their family along with Lord Richard Edward II and his family, Lord Frederick William Howard III and his family and Lord Thomas William Howard.

Lady Elizabeth with Lady Samhain walk over to their father " Happy Birthday daddy." They tells him.

"Thank you. Lady Elizabeth and Duchess of Clarence Territory. Lord Andrew Charles tells them.

Lord Anthony and Lord Albert Edward walk over and they tell their father, " Happy Birthday dear daddy. " 

"Thank you, Duke of Lancaster and Kent Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells his sons.

Finally Lord Richard William Carey " Happy Birthday once again, Lord Andrew Charles."  Lord Richard William tells his second cousin.

"Thank you, Lord Richard William." Lord Andrew Charles tells him " Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin have a birthday present for you." and Lady Caroline Matilda walks over and she gives Lord Andrew Charles a birthday present and she walks over to Lady Anastasia and she tells her "Happy Birthday my sister." 

"Thank you Lady Caroline Matilda." Lady Anastasia Christina tells Lady Caroline Matilda.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR walks over and he hugs his youngest son and tells him " Happy 41st birthday, my dear son, Lord Andrew Charles." 

"I guess your mother told you how happy we were the day you were born 41st  years ago." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his youngest son.

"I am just sorry that your grandfather didn't live to see this day." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"You were the grandson that my father would have loved the most." Lord Charles Andrew JR states " You gave him his first male line great-grandchild." 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR walks over to his granddaughter, Lady Anastasia Christina and he tells her "Happy Birthday dear Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northampton Territory. You are definitely a Howard." 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR picks up his granddaughter in his arms and he kisses her and he hands Lady Theresa a birthday present " It is for Lady Anastasia. It is from Lady Sarah, her aunt, Lady Frederica and me." 

"I have sent a birthday present to my dear grandnephew and great-grandnephew today." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells everyone.

"Lord David William wanted to celebrate his son and his birthday at White-Hall Manor." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "Lord David William and his family will join us on 23 and return to White-Hall Manor  for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but they will return on December 26-January 1" Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

The Howard's come together to celebrate the 2nd day of Yuletide and the birthdays of Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Anastasia Christina Howard at Beltane Manor.

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