Ch. 2

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They were about to burst through the doors when Leonora heard a voice in her head that made her stop dead in her tracks, I wouldn't come in here if I were you Leonora. You wouldn't want your little Dove getting killed because you couldn't listen to me now would you? She shook her head, her hands in her curls trying to will the voice in her head to stop. She leaned against the wall, tears streaming down her face, "Please, just leave her alone...I won't go in, just don't hurt her", Leonora cried, barely above a whisper. Dovey watched the whole scene play out, she knew exactly what was going on, Rafal was inside her head, trying to control her. Clarissa walked over to her, putting her hands on Lesso's shoulders, "Leonora, sweety, it's ok...don't let him get into your head. I know what he is saying, don't worry, I won't let him hurt me or you"

Lesso looked at her but the voice in her head grew louder, kill her know you want to. Nevers can't's written in stone. Lesso looked up at Clarissa, "Clarissa, you need to leave, now. Before I hurt you" Clarissa didn't move an inch, "No, you are stronger than him my lioness. You don't have to listen to him...don't let him control you" Lesso looked like she was in denial, she didn't want Clarissa to leave, but if she didn't Rafal would make her kill her. Lesso closed her eyes and took a shaky breath, her finger started to glow and then the voice stopped. Clarissa saw Lesso's face lighten, she looked up at Clarissa and did something not even she expected. Leonora Lesso gave Clarissa Dovey a huge hug and kiss, "Thank you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself"

Clarissa hummed in response and got off her tip toes, "We need to go into that room now!". Lesso nodded and walked in. The scene made her gasp, Sofie lay on the ground, her chest bleeding, Agatha was fighting Rafal. Lesso ran over to Sofie, trying to stop the bleeding. She noticed Clarissa was frozen by the door, shock causing her to freeze. Lesso looked down at Sofie again, panicking, causing her hands to shake, I did this...if I had just come in here and not let Rafal get to me this wouldn't have happened. Sofie's finger started glowing and the Storian started floating toward Agatha, she saw it and used her magic to send it through Rafal's chest.

She ran over to Sophie, "Sophie! No you're not dying on me!" Lesso backed away, hand over her mouth, she slowly walked over to Rafals body, her can and heels loudly clicking against the cold stony floor. She slowly bent down next to him and felt for a pulse. As she was looking for one, his hands sprung up around her neck. She gasped and let out a surprised scream. Dovey who had went to check on Sofie looked back at them, pure rage filled her eyes, Rafal's grip was weak, "Sofie and I aren't the only ones dying today..." Rafal used his magic to make a dagger appear in his hand. Dovey screamed, quickly running toward them. Her magic went haywire, it healed Sofie, and was causing the lights to flicker. Lesso had tears running down her face, Rafal's grip was just tight enough to cut off her air supply, Rafal laughed and plunged the dagger straight through Lesso's heart.

Lesso screamed in agony and then collapsed into him, then he too collapsed and stopped breathing. Dovey sprinted over to Lesso pulling her into her lap. Lessos eyes were very unfocused, her breathing labored. Clarissa cried, trying to stop the bleeding. Clarissa looked down at her, "Lesso honey, look up at me! Don't close your eyes honey! I need you to stay with me!" Lesso closed her eyes and chuckled, "Don't lie to me princess, you haven't...needed a..." she started coughing between words, blood on the corner of her mouth. Dovey waved her hand over Lesso's wound, hoping that it would heal like Sofie's did. She kept on doing it even though it wasn't working, frustrated tears cascading down her cheeks. Lesso slowly grabbed her hand, "Princess...stop...we both know I am not going to survive this...he enchanted the can't heal me..."

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