Meets BoCo brothers

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BoCo have a accident and now Smudger need help him but Smudger don't know how 
BoCo: Ahhh!!!!!!!!
Sir Topham Hatt: we need some spare engine 
BoCo: Sir, can I ask you a question
Sir Topham Hatt: yes
BoCo: Can Smudger pls help me do my job 
Gordon: not the reckless engine
*BoCo gets angry at Gordon*
BoCo: do you even met him!!!!!! 
Sir Topham Hatt: Gordon be quiet!!!!!! Yes BoCo Smudger can help you with your jobs 
Percy: Good luck BoCo
BoCo: *Mind* why everyone is so mean to Smudger
*Sir Topham Hatt told Mr. Percival about the plan*
Mr. Percival: Smudger you have a job 
All Skarloey engines (But Duke and Rusty): why him 
Smudger: I'm ready sir
Mr. Percival: OK then it is time to go
*Smudger go to meet BoCo*
BoCo: *Saw his brother*
D5701: Ugh!!!!!! You had to hang around with Engines!!!!!!!!!!!
Smudger: who is that? 
BoCo: My Brother
Smudger: he sound so rude
BoCo: Yes 
D5705: D5701!!!!! be nice
D5701: Ugh!!!!
Smudger: are you guys siblings?
BoCo: Yes 
D5705: I'm D5705 but you can call me CoBo
Smudger: OK CoBo 
CoBo:   you have a good friends 
BoCo: yep 
D5701: *Beep*
Smudger: what do you saying?
BoCo: you don't wanna know
Smudger: Oh
BoCo: we have to go now
Smudger and BoCo: *Left*
D5701: Ugh!!!!!!!
CoBo: you should be nice to each other.
D5701: why you guys are my brothers
Pablo the Swift: Hi guys
D5701: Pablo the Swift!!!!!!
CoBo: Hi Pablo the Swift
Pablo the Swift: Haha

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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