Chapter 2

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The man, apparently Doctor Strange introduced me to the group he came with, the infamous Avengers,
"Oh, yes I know them now ! I've heard stories of them all, Tony- Iron Man, thinks he owns the universe right ?" I asked in a joking tone,
" Yeah, pretty much. " He chuckled, I carried on my little rant,
"Spider-Man, The Hulk, Black Widow, I assume Hawkeyes here somewhere, Captain America, I can name them all, and their greatest feats if you asked, but I couldn't tell them apart in a crowd, it's odd." I nearly said "strange" but that would have been a horrible pun,
" I need to take you to Kamar-Taj, if you don't mind." He informed gently,
 " Mind ? Why would I mind ? Kamar-Taj is legendary! I've dreamt of going since I heard of it's existence! " He smiled that sort of amused smile people put on when you compliment them, and began preforming some kind of magic using circular hand movements. Only then did I realize how his hands shivered and trembled with no visible explanation, I may ask him why, but now is not the time,
" Lets make that reality then, shall we ?" I peered through the hole of sorts lined in orange sparks to see an east-Asian looking building tucked away in what looked like the Alps,
" Wow..."an understatement for the wonder that is Kamar-Taj.

I took a cautious step forward and was plunged into a sharp, brilliant cold, and immediately started shivering, but I couldn't bring myself to care, as I felt alive for the first time I can vividly remember. I looked back at the lab, what had been my home for so long, and was the only thing I'd ever known, was in deep-rooted chaos, I turned away again, deciding to keep it that way. Stephen followed closely and closed the portal, I looked at him, he had, all at once , become my savior. "You're safe, you do realize that?" He seemed to have noticed me looking at him suspiciously,
" My name is Astoria, but Astor will do fine." I told him,
 "Astoria, that sounds Latin." He acknowledged curiously, I smirked, you can barely find someone who can identify Latin, so this amused me slightly," I'd like you to see the Sorcerer Supreme, if you may. " I smiled yet again, picking up on the way he never commanded me of anything, I assume this was his way of being kind to me.

We walked in silence for a while, before I decided it was unbearable," Who is the sorcerer supreme? I heard it changed." I inquired,
" A man called Wong, he's a perfectly good man, I doubt he'd turn you away." It's not rare to receive the hospitality of Kamar-Taj, but it is to be offered, or at least, that's what the rumors say, but then again, I've learned to doubt anything I hear.

We spent around an hour trying to figure out the climb down to the actual building, " It won't let me teleport directly into the building as I have an unauthorized person with me." He told me randomly, as if he knew what I was thinking, but to my knowledge, I'm the only one with that talent, it's how my powers work, everyone's mind makes noise, some louder than others, Stephen's was particularly quiet, but the scientists were usually pretty loud, so it was nice to have some peace,
" Oh, that's actually very smart." I could sense that this particular peak was brimming with iron, so I stopped in my tracks and placed my hand into the snow till it hit the cold stone. A hexagonal pillar rose to meet my command,
" Come on Strange, this way." He stepped onto the pillar as cautiously as I stepped through his portal," Please, Stephen will do." He told me as I focused on creating a staircase of sorts leading to the main building from said hexagonal pillars. We reached the bottom hastily and I let my focus drift as Stephen opened the door .

We were invited inside and greeted by a round, friendly looking Asian man with a thin mustache, " Hello Miss !" He began whispering to Stephen, well , trying to, he wasn't very good, " Strange who on earth 616 is she ?" We both chuckled,
" I think the girl can speak for herself, Wong ." This was the sorcerer supreme?
" I'm Astoria, Astor will suffice though, I'm not quite sure why I'm here yet." I smiled nervously,
 " Well what's special about you ?" Wong asked, tilting his head like a mid-melted snowman,
" Well ! That's a conversation in itself, I can control earthly elements such as wood, plants, metal and rock, I can control the human mind and telekinesis, weak, but there." He looked at me like I just told him I'm Jesus Christ's daughter, " Would you like a demonstration?" I asked coldly, turning his amulet into a large, gold spike a millimeter away from his throat,
" No ! I believe you ! Honest ! " I dropped it into its original shape,
 " Good ! " I smiled brightly.

" Get this woman food, water, whatever else she needs or asks for." All of a sudden, people began bombarding me with questions, everything got too loud, too much too fast. I stepped back, startled, and I could feel myself hyperventilating,
 " Hey ! Ease up, you're freaking her out ." Stephen wrapped his arm around me, leading me away from the crowd," T-thanks ." He smiled softly down at me, being taller, his entire face was gentle, enveloping me in a sense of comfort, " I'll look out for you, you know? " I pressed into his side, as I was shivering, and mumbled,
" yeah, I know." He pulled me in slightly tighter, I took a deep breath and was met with the familiar scents of old books, coffee and a specific cologne I couldn't put my finger on,
" Stephen!" Someone called, I sighed, but also was thankful for the end of the situation, as I had become increasingly aware of his hand resting on the small of my back.

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