"But I don't want that..." he trailed off before saying what he was thinking.

"What did you say?" Uraraka asked not listening to him.

"N-Nothing" the girl raised a confused eyebrow.

"Well, anyway, I'm sure Bakugo-kun will do a good job.
I work as a maid" she seemed confident in what she was saying "I have a plan for that to be the case" A mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"U-Uraraka... What are you going to do?" Her friend was always kind, but somehow when it came to Bakugo they both argued a lot.


Classes had ended, unfortunately for the boys the form was sent and with it their dignity.

"Bakugo-kun, a first year girl says you have a shitty face!" Uraraka yelled from the classroom door, the way she said it made it clear that the message was from herself.

"What did you say round face?!" For obvious reasons Katsuki got angry.

"I said you have a crap face!" an awkward silence formed among those who were still present, one of them was Izuku with that said he gave her the middle finger and then ran off.

"You're dead!" Katsuki didn't hesitate for a second to follow her, Deku went behind them worried about what was going to happen.


Ochako headed for the first year classrooms and Kacchan didn't take long to get there, he was angry, and with good reason, Uraraka had crossed the line.

The blond opened the door abruptly but he instantly realized that there was no one in that place, except a small girl.

"Shit," he said when he couldn't find the chestnut, he turned around ready to leave but the unknown girl spoke to him.

"I feel negativity in your aura, have you had a hard childhood?" he asked, the opposite raised his eyebrow in surprise.

"And who the hell are you?" He didn't know why out of nowhere they had spoken to him "I'm busy, don't bother me..." he was rude as always.

"Do you have any problem? You feel lonely? Any self-esteem problem?" The girl's voice was slow and soft "Do you feel tired...? Sleepy?" Katsuki's eyes began to close, what was happening? Even he didn't know it, a sudden tiredness had invaded him and he continually turned to sleep.

"Kacchan, please don't do something crazy!" Izuku finally managed to reach him, it had been difficult since he had gotten lost in the corridors.

"Sleep..." at that moment the blond's body fell on the girl "Aaah weighs, Uraraka-sempai!" the aforementioned came out of her hiding place, she was hiding under one of the desks.

"Huh?" The freckled man said when he noticed that scene "K-Kacchan?" He approached to remove the body of her unconscious boyfriend from her" What happened?"

"I told you I had a plan!" Uraraka said with a smile on her lips.
"And she's helping me with this," he pointed to the girl.

"Uraraka, don't do unnecessary things, Kacchan will get very angry... Besides, why do you ask a kohai to use her quirk for this? Neither I don't even know what you're going to do."

"It will only be for the festival, after that everything will end" he said simply "Besides, she didn't use any quirk, this is something she learned by herself, it's called hypnosis... And it's not free either..."

"Is he charging you?" he was incredulous of what he was hearing, this was becoming a bigger problem.

"I won't pay him, you will" Uraraka said.

CAFE MAID/ONESHOT/ DEKUKATSUWhere stories live. Discover now