Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Wandlore: The Art of Crafting the Ultimate Magical Tool! My name is Aidan and I will be instructing you on as much as I know on Wandlore and how to make a wand of your own making, HOWEVER, it is very important to remember that the wand chooses the witch or wizard, once a wand chooses you, you are its master and it will obey your command but only if you practice your spells as much as you possibly can, or it will eventually have its power begin to fade away until it stops working entirely, so it is very important to always practice your spell casting as much as you can to strengthen your wand's power the more you use it, HOWEVER, you will not get the same results with another witch or wizard's wand, as it did not choose you so it will resist you and cast much weaker spells or not cast them at all entirely, HOWEVER, it is possible that a wand you inherited by a family member such as your mother, father, brother, sister or cousin will work for you as it sees you as a relative of its first master BUT it will not produce spells as powerful as it did for its first master, so it is best for you to buy your own wand from a Wand Shop rather than have a wand handed to you, in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as well as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron Weasley's first wand was actually his older brother Charlie's first wand and because of this, it barely worked right for Ron, only until his Third-Year was he able to buy his very own wand and it worked perfectly for him as it chose him as its master, so this book contains information on what wood you need, what cores you'll need, which lengths they are and what type of flexibility each wand has and this book will also explain how wands are crafted

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