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The freckled family have been in the living room spending time together for about three hours now. Felix's mom occasionally cooing at Felix's son and at him.

"Honey, why are you so much skinnier than before? I don't mean to point it out too much but I noticed it and couldn't help it, I'm sorry. You dont have to answer if it's too much for you" Felix's mom asked as the two were alone in the livingroom.

"Its nothing, I guess I've gotten a little busy with college, studying, babysitting and taking care of other things, that I just forget to eat. Nothing serious you should worry about mom" Felix somewhat lied.

He often did forget to eat but it was also because of his last interaction with Changbin about food that made him want to eat less than he already did before. (Is it just me or I don't like eating bc of the noise while chewing? That shit makes me so disgusted, that's why I hate eating, anyways)

"Lix, you know you should take breaks and eat at least a little bit to fill your stomach with something." "I know but I forget, I'm sorry, I'll try eating a little more often." 

The blonde's mom smiled at him with care, she really loved her only son, the only person left around her now. She wanted her son to be healthy, even if that meant she had to drive an hour away from her home to give the freckled boy food.

"Well, I need to start heading home, I have work tomorrow" the blonde's mom spoke, making her way to the front door. "I love you Lix, take care of yourself and the little bean"

The woman was about to step out of the apartment after Felix retuned a response but was stopped when she remembered Felix's roommate "oh and take care of Changbin as well, love. Now it's the actual goodbye, bye!"

"Bye mom, I love you" "I love you too my lovely son" the woman said before kissing her son's forehead then closing the door as she exited the apartment. Felix's baby was now asleep, making the tall blonde think he could also get a bit of rest from everything.

"Ahhh, little freckles, you tire me a lot, but it's okay, you dont have control over it" the blonde freckled boy spoke to his sleeping son as he laid down and shut his eyes with a sigh.

The freckled blonde managed to also fall asleep for little before being woken up by crying from the freckled baby.

He sighed before getting up and taking care of the little one "are you hungry little one? I dont think you really like the baby formula I brought you. I'm sorry, it's the best I could get. I just lost my job baby and I also didn't know how expensive baby formula was until now."

"Freckles, please forgive me, I didnt want Changbin finding out I stole money from him but by the looks of it, I cant really hide that. I'll try my best to give you what you want but for right now please at least eat this, it's the best I could get."

Felix explained the situation to the newborn who was still crying, hoping the little bean would eat a little bit after hearing the reason but obviously, the baby didnt understand anything his papa just said and continued crying.

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