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It's a relatively peaceful morning when Y/n stirs awake. Her nest is warm but wrecked. The previously soft pelts are wet with sweat and matted in other places, ruined by her bodily substances, but the blankets are still intact along with a few pillows. It's not the worst she'd dealt with coming out of heat. Her body is spent though. She has a mild headache and her wolf is itching to face the sky, feel the earth, and breathe in the rich oxygen provided by the dense trees surrounding her home. The sheer pain that rushes through her chest as her stomach growls at her lets her know she needs to move or starve and risk being food for the insects hidden behind the walls of her bunker.

With a groan and more than a few curses, Y/n drags herself out of her nest and takes a minute to stretch, ignoring the way her head spins from the sudden shift in angles, and her muscles ache in protest. She takes a quick glance at the nest and decides she'll fix it later, exiting the small room and pushing open the latch to her home above her head. She takes a minute to sniff out the place, but all she's met with is her own magnolia scent.

She lifts herself up on shaky arms and swings her body over the rest of the way, rolling onto the wooden floor. She closes the latch and starts to raid her cellar. Unsurprisingly, she's low on stocks, dangerously so. Not only does she have to go hunting for meat but she'll have to make a trip to the nearest village for her health concoctions.

Something she really doesn't want to do.

She shrugs it off as she devours the remaining food she has and goes back to the bunker to clean the room.

She does the rest of her small chores to ground her omega. If her wolf had her way, she'd still be in her nest rotting away in her own misery and she refuses to let it happen. She's got shit to do, a life to live. She can't dwell over pups that weren't given to her by an alpha that doesn't exist.

In hindsight, Y/n's grateful for being a lone wolf. The small pack she had didn't have an omega in it, it was just her alpha father and her beta grandfather. Both of them were aggressive and entirely too manly for anything close to omega tendencies. Her father taught her how to fight and kill while her grandfather taught her how to heal, build, and craft. It's all she knew, it's what she grew up with. Even if she were to find a mate, she's sure he wouldn't want an omega like her. She's curvy, for sure, and her scent is enticing enough, but her eyes are dead cold and her build is lean and strong with defined muscles in every crook and cranny. She's not an omega any alpha would want and she's come to terms with that.

Shaking off the bad thoughts, Y/n dresses light eternally grateful for the warm season. She dons a pair of shorts and wraps her chest in a cloth, strapping her garters to her thighs and back for her weapons. As she grabs her spear and bow, she frowns at the lack of arrows in her quiver and makes a mental note to forge some more. Grabbing her last bag, she exits her house and is immediately met with the greetings of the wind and she smiles, taking a minute to breathe it in. Her eyes flit up to the night sky and she smiles at the waxing moon.

"Hello, Goddess," she mutters. "Help me with dinner, will you?"

She rushes down the stairs and begins her trek into the woods. She passes a few of her set traps delighted to find them full and she makes a mental note to pick them up on her way back. She's brimming with excitement just walking through the forest but she can't shift right now. Her body is still too weak for that and she'll never make it home if she does.

Y/n stops in her tracks as she catches the sound of something shifting in the woods and with her heightened sight, she notices a small herd of deer and grins, quickly climbing the next tree for higher purchase. She quietly jumps 2 trees over with years of practice and stops on the sturdiest branch, glowering down at her meal. Goddess, she hasn't had deer in so long, and with a family this size, it'll last her a fortnight, maybe more if she preserves them properly.

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