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I'm missing too many pieces in this picture to actually paint it, so here's the idea:

When the Special devision for unusual powers is informed of multiple people (ability users as well as normal people) vanishing after entering a certain shop they order the agency to inveatigate. The Port mafia is on the same case since some of the people who vanished were their members.
They figure that the one reponsible is an ability user who is not able to control his ability to manipulate time. [maybe someone was doing experiments and it escalated or he actually can control it but wants to cause chaos? Was his ability originally this strong or has someone tampered with it?]

Because they were on the case together [or because they just happened to be there at the same time, who knows] Dazai, Chuuya, [and/or] Akutagawa and Atsushi end up falling into a time-whole thay was torn due to the ability. [caused by the ability but not actually a part of it probably, since Dazai doesn't cancel it]
Time is totally messed up and they end up in the future [mha universe], all of them [or only some of them? Could be fun if shin sokouku are older than the original now] younger than they were back home [at least look-wise].

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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