Chapter Six

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A cold stone fell into the pit of Jace's stomach at Aegon's words, the band of anxiety suddenly tighter in his chest. He had forgotten about the joke Aegon had planned for his brother, Aemond, a prank that his uncle had roped both him and Luke into. Everything had already been prepared and set, but what they hadn't counted on was Dyaena's presence. Given the nature of the joke, he was beginning to doubt whether they should follow through.

"What is it?" The younger prince was cautious and guarded, careful to not show too much emotion.

"Something very special," Luke exclaimed knowingly before giddily running off to retrieve said surprise. For a brief moment, Jace felt the urge to grab a hold of Luke's arm and tell them to abort the plan, but his younger brother was already out of reach before he could make his arm move. He looked over to Dyaena as they both turned towards their uncles, a warm grin on her face and violet eyes shining with innocent curiosity. It made the cold stone in his stomach grow increasingly heavy, but there was little he could do now. Dyaena wouldn't leave even if he demanded her to.

"You're the only prince without a dragon," the eldest of them continued as he walked Aemond towards the stairs. Jace and Dyaena followed beside them.

It's just a funny, harmless joke. That's all. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure she will see it is all in good fun.

"Indeed..." Aemond said.

"And we felt badly about it. So, we found one... for you," Aegon concluded, his tone dripping with malice.

"A dragon? How?" Aemond's tone did little to hide his doubt. For years he had been disheartened when no dragon let him claim them, just as Dyaena was. In Aemond's case, however, he was permitted to go to the pit, but he always watched from the sidelines, never truly taking part. Jace couldn't decide which dragon-less Targaryen had a worser fate.

"The gods provide," Aegon answered. The four were now staring down into the dark abyss, waiting for Luke to return. It was now or never, a gamble between finding a way to get his stubborn twin to leave or to let the sequence of events unfold in their due course, whatever they may be.

This time, his body decided before his mind. His hand pulled on her shoulder to turn her attention to him, resting there to keep her in place. She looked at him expectantly, and slightly annoyed, with a singular arched brow. Jace opened his mouth, ready to spew some excuse that would convince her to leave, but his words were not given a chance to come forth. He was too late.

A faint animalistic sound came from the depths, and Dyaena no longer cared to hear what Jace had to say. She snapped her head back towards the darkness below, hope etched onto her face, foolishly thinking that Aegon was being true and had indeed found Aemond a dragon. But Jace watched as that hope was soon squashed like a spider beneath a boot. The moment the faint outline of the sound's true source appeared, Jace cursed that today of all days--the one time Dyaena joined them--they would poke fun at Aemond being dragon-less.

Aegon and Luke could barely contain their snickers as Luke presented Aemond with a large pig that had wings made of straw attached to its sides.

"Behold! The Pink Dread!" the two said in unison before bursting into fits of laughter as Aemond's face betrayed that of hurt. It had been funny to Jace as well during the premeditation of their plan. But now, as Dyaena's sunny demeanor became clouded--her head hung low and fists clenched at her side--Jace knew her storm was brewing. The little hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, indicating without fail that lightning was about to strike.

Dyaena shoved Jace's hand away from her with a jerk of her shoulder--the first distant roll of thunder.

"Is that what we are to you..." Her voice was quiet--the initial drops of rain. "The ass end of jokes?"

"It's just some harmless fun, niece, no need to get so worked up. See, Aemond here understands," Aegon patted his brother on the back. Aemond did not, in fact, look like he understood. His eyes were casted forward, staring at his "dragon" in disgust, not saying a word. Dyaena's eyes raised to glare at Aegon. "Be sure to mount her carefully, brother. The first flight's always rough. And Dyaena, if you ask nicely, I'm sure Aemond will let you ride the beast as well, someday."

Dyaena's fury bubbled over as she hastily strode over to Aegon, who was still all smiles and laughs. Jace didn't even see her hand initially move until after it had slapped Aegon's face--a fierce strike of lightning that was immediately followed by a boom, igniting a wildfire where it had touched earth. The storm had arrived.

"Why, you little-" Aegon forcefully shoved Dyaena to the ground, and Jace saw red. "Aegon!" Aemond exclaimed before giving his older brother a shove of his own. Jace's body moved instinctively once more, his eyes trained on Aegon as he dashed towards him. His uncle may be older and bigger, but that no longer mattered to Jace.

Just as he was about to clash into him, hands forcefully gripped onto his upper arms and pulled Jace away. The voice of one of his guards was telling him to settle down. He didn't want to settle down, he wanted to make Aegon pay for putting his hands on his sister. Jace saw that Luke was in a similar situation as him, but his guard was having an easier time restraining an eight year old.

Aegon laughed at them as he turned to walk away. It was only when Dyaena turned to look at Jace that he ceased his struggles. Tears were streaking down her face--the rain had begun its descent from the heavens, but the thunder had lost its charge.

Amidst being freed from the strength of a knight at last, Jace watched as Aemond carefully approached Dyaena. They exchanged a look between them before he offered a hand to her. She stared at it for several moments, seemingly contemplating whether or not she should take it, before humbly accepting.

With one final glare towards her brothers and Aegon, she turned on her heel and rushed towards the Dragonpit's large doors, not bothering to hide the swipes of hands upon her cheeks--the brief storm had calmed, and the damage had been done.

Desires Be Damned • Aemond Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें