3: Double date

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"I'll just take a really quick shower then quickly make dinner." Carrot stated as she walked upstairs.

"Can I talk to Herb for a bit?" Beetroot asked Sparkling, who didn't mind "Sure?" Puzzled why he asked him.

As Beetroot dragged Herb to another room, Herb looked at a just as confused Sparkling watch him be dragged to a different room.

"I'll be honest, I thought you two were dating when we came this morning." Beetroot laughed at how long it took for her to realize they weren't.

Herb, who quickly became defensive, whispered; "He's not my boyfriend!" Debunking as the embarrassment seeped in.

"Well you seem to like him, why not ask him out? You gave him your number after all" A quick non-chalant advice Beetroot thought, Herb froze when he heard it.

"W-Wait.. I did?" Herb covered his face, and Beetroot chuckled. "You didn't know?" Beetroot found this hilariously cute.

"Noo...?!" Groaning, how could he forget? They were watching them? Red from embarrassment, Herb sat down from both exhaust and wanting to curl up and cry.


The bartender looked around the house, it was surprisingly minimalistic. Just then, Carrot came down from the stairs.

"Hey, when can you two help again?" Sparkling was taken aback by how straight forward the farmer was.

Thinking to when he'd be free again, he noticed Carrot put a stool near the kitchen island and he sat down as she cooked.

"You two are way too good at this to be working different jobs.." She paused, and gave the bartender a smug look.

"You're also really cute together." Sparkling nervously laughed as Carrot turned back to flipping the pork.

Beetroot and Herb came into the dining room (after difficulties of cheering Herb up), Carrot had also left 2 more stools on the island for the two.

But Beetroot didn't sit down, she just walked to her girlfriend. "What're the ingredients?" Beetroot peeked over to see what Carrot was making.

"Just cook the rest of the pork, love" Carrot grinned as Beetroot took the remaining pork and another pan.

Herb was a little disheartened at his friends, who had significant others. Yet here he was, crushing on a bartender who's way out of his league.

A few minutes of fiddling around their chairs and a few conversations, the food was finished.

"You two are pathetic at starting conversations" Carrot taunted as she put down some plates.

"I feel a little guilty, I could brew up some drinks after this, it doesn't have to be with alcohol." Sparkling offered, Carrot and Beetroot were interested.

"Sure! Herb says you do it really fancily, and I need to see it." Carrot sat down beside Beetroot.


As the four of them talked to one another, laughing about past work incidents, they finished their food.

"Hey Sparkling," cutting off the short lived silence, Herb wondered. "How are you gonna brew any drinks?"

Sparkling shuffled around in his bag, finally finding a thin pen-like item. He tapped it onto the counter lightly and it expanded into a small cocktail shaker.

"Cool, right?" He beamed as Herb sat amazed.

Opening it up to find a few complimentary flavors, looked at Carrot and Beetroot for permission to use some glasses and their choice of beverage.

"Go for it, I'm pretty sure we have some fizzy drinks in our fridge" Carrot was intrigued on how Sparkling could make do.

Swiftly making all of their chosen drinks, getting a decent amount of whispered "woah"'s, he sat back down.

"Was it fancy enough..?" Laughing a bit as Carrot happily nodded while taking a sip of her fizzy and sweet drink.

"I got to see an up close view of Sparkling's brewing." Herb hummed as he sipped on his slightly warm but citrusy drink.


Finishing their drinks and washing a few dishes as a thank you, Herb and Sparkling left the couple for the night.

Sparkling was walking Herb home, the quiet night as their shoes made quiet clicks were fine after the long night.

Waving Herb goodbye as Sparkling finally relaxed, desperate to go home notices a red figure watching from afar.

A flying wine glass, to be precise. He immediately knew who it was, and waited for Vampire to bombard him with smug comments and questions.

Vampire flew down and as to no one's surprise, he gave sparkling a smug grin.


"It went.. well."

"I didn't think you'd do more than just have lunch with him~!" Vampire jokingly sniffled. "You're growing up so fast"

"Don't freak out, buuut" Sparkling was getting nervous, he shuffled around his pockets and found the number Herb gave him, slightly smudged from the hose incident.

Vampire was amazed, he just answered with finger guns and flew off

Now he could rest, he decided to just sleep for most of tomorrow.

A bit shorter now, this was originally just a really long one-shot, so I'm sorry if it's only a few chapters long.

Any feedback? <3

Word count: 805 :(

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