Part 2 Hunter's secret is out!

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Here's part 2 readers.
They are on a mission that is investigating something strange on a forest planet in the unknown regions.
(Neve's POV)
I hopped out of the gunship as it landed with a headlight and scarf on since it was cold on the planet the armour sat in place "I don't get it how did vampires, werewolves, Skinwalkers and wendigos ended up here?" Steve asked "well they probably stowed away on ships and crashed onto planets in the unknown regions so there's that possibility" I said taking a guess when loud noises echoed throughout the forests as we made a fire "their coming" Alex said readying her bow as we readied ourselves Crosshair sat on top of the gunship with Alex when a large wolf like beast stalked out of the forest covered in blood of the forest's inhabitants Steve hid behind Herobrine as the beast lunged towards us I threw a spear at it with it piercing it's arm I grabbed a branch as it tried biting me blocking it as it clamped down on the branch it's claws teared into my skin making me bleed before the whiff of blood caught it's attention and chased after Hunter Steve grabbed bandages and wrapped the fabric around my arms to prevent infections
(Hunter's POV)
I led the wolf like beast to the canyon stopping before facing it as it emerged from the darkness biting my armoured arm I grabbed my knife before stabbing it in the head and kicked it's legs out from under it it slashed my torso and bit me again before I shot it in the head and body multiple times it released my bloody arm and stumbled back once it was fully at the drop I shot it square in the head falling letting out a roar before the sound of its bones snapped I got up watching the wounds heal immediately "can't infect someone who's already infected" I muttered thankful I can't infect anyone else when I heard Separatists attacking the others and Anakin crying his sister's name in fear I growled feeling the rage as I transformed
(Herobrine's POV)
I let Steve cuddle into my chest unable to bear the sight before us Rex held Anakin back as our sister was getting strangled by the person in front of us when a bloodcurdling roar rang out as a werewolf attacked the man strangling Neve letting go she laid on her back holding her neck gently "we'll be back sis we got to stop the droids" she gave a thumbs up as we went after the droids giving her a hug then followed after the others
(Neve's POV)
I cradled my neck gasping for air on my back I got up screaming in fear slightly covering my head as the werewolf came closer my eyes shot open when it hugged me I noticed the red bandana "H-Hunter?" I said softly he nodded "your a werewolf!" Hunter nodded again I brought my hand up to touch his face "that I am" he spoke his voice a lot deeper and gruffer I kissed him deeply he reverted back to his human side "you have no idea how long I've waited for this" he captured my lips again "well about fucking time" I stuck my middle finger at my twin brother before getting up with Hunter "we're finishing this later right?" I pecked him on the cheek "yes we are" I gave him the answer he had a look that reads 'fuck yeah'
(Notch's POV)
I mentally cheered with the others celebrating seeing the other ship sail "well let's go back to the ship and take a long breather" everyone agreed to my idea "thanks big bro" "ten credits say their gonna go at it first" "ten credits if you and Rex gonna go at it" I sighed at my younger siblings antics "honestly I bet 20 credits ten from each of you that you both are gonna go at it with your lovers" I noticed everyone staring at me in absolute shock "what I can't join in these kinds of bets" "your on Notch!" I smiled as we made it back to the Resolute without incidents
(Null's POV)
I grabbed some food to eat as we sat down to eat though I couldn't get over the amount of shock that Notch joined a bet and Hunter's a werewolf huh who knew Entity swallowed a piece of food before talking with Fives, Wrecker and Echo I chatted with Tech and Alex Steve and Herobrine were cuddling while eating and talking with Crosshair and Notch Neve and Anakin were talking about some normal things like what happened when either one was off sick
(Hunter's POV)
I finished eating a piece of steak medium rare while Neve ate her stake straight up rare after everyone finished we went to our room or bunks I dozed off as the others fell asleep I heard footsteps enter the hanger "hah they owe me 10 and 20 credits" I noticed Neve still up and awake "what are you doing up and about?" "Oh just the fact Anakin and Rex are fucking each other like a pair of horny weasels including Herobrine and Steve uhh my poor ears" I noticed her face was red "and my room is directly next to Anakin's and Herobrine's" I cringed now hearing it "you can bunk with us" "thank you" she said hugging me I noticed how still she was I looked to see her fast asleep snoring away I carried her in spotting the blanket on my bunk I grabbed it with a hand I sat on the pilot chair with Neve sleeping I unfurled the blanket blanket and wrapping us both up and going to sleep myself
(Entity's POV)
I yawned as Null napped on the table neglecting his breakfast and Alex leaned against me sleeping Notch rubbed his eyes in tired Neve casually ate her breakfast while glaring at her twin brother and older brother who awkwardly squirmed under the intense look Rex had his head in his hands Steve shook his head "well pay up you and Notch owe me" Anakin and Notch sighed before handing her ten and twenty credits "honestly the entire fucking ship heard you lot and I heard most of it" I flopped my head in the table in amusement "sorry" "sorry sis" "also we could also hear it" I burst into giggles while covering my mouth before being silenced by the dagger stabbing glare Neve gave me
(Steve's POV)
I mentally screamed "if you heard anything high pitched from our room that's my fault" "my bad as well" "oh my fucking gods next time you decide on fucking each other please put a soundproofing spell on so I don't hear it I literally had to bunk with them you guys were so loud I couldn't fucking sleep" "why the fuck are we talking about sex fucking hell" Alex woke up with Null Hunter rubbed his face to wake up fully before Neve banged her head on the table ears flopped to her sides while Hunter patted her back "wait a minute you had to bunk with Clone Force 99" "uhh yeah at least their not horny bastards like you lot" I scratched my head embarrassed
I am so glad I didn't put the actual part where those two couples had the sin sin

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