Casey felt a mixture of sadness and jealousy; sadness for the pain his siblings had gone through but jealousy at the bond they had. He knew that he was lucky, he hadn't really been subjected to their father's abuse and in her own twisted way, their mum had loved him the most. Yet he still couldn't help but wonder if he would share the same bond if he had suffered too?

"How are you two feeling?" Bianca asked, still sat at the table trying to be involved but not at the same time. "Would you like a cup of tea".
"Can I have hot chocolate ." Summer said being helped to her feet by both Brax and Heath. Summer looked up at her brothers as she clung to them both, she was doing what she had done as a child, desperately trying to comfort them but she didn't know how she'd do it simultaneously.
"You look after Brax today pup, I've got my wife remember." Heath smiled at her and kissed the top of her head as he took her hand from his shirt and placed it around Brax's waist.

Brax smiled at Heath and mouthed 'thank you', thrilled that for once someone could comfort him. He guided Summer to the sofa and sat with her in his arms, kissing and stroking the top of her head. "You feeling ok?" He asked her quietly.

"Not really, are you?" She countered.

"Not really." Brax repeated and squeezed her tighter before letting her go as Bianca handed them a mug of hot chocolate each.

"Are you going to stay home from school now, so that I can keep an eye on you?" Brax asked looking at his sister seriously as Heath and Casey sat in the arm chairs and Bianca on the arm of Heaths seat.

"But then he's won." Summer said firmly, "We can't let him control us."

"She's got a point Brax. Besides, I'll keep an eye on her and alert the teachers. If she so much as sneezes, I'll know." Bianca smiled reassuringly at Summer.

"Ok, but I'm walking you to and from school." Brax said and the matter was settled.

As promised, Brax had walked a nervous Summer to school. He was still nagging her to stay off school and spend the day with him at Angelo's but she didn't want "What's the point in stewing at your restaurant, when I can actually learn something at school?" Summer had said when Brax asked for the umpteenth million time.

"You've already done this year, one day off won't hurt." Brax tried to argue,

"Which will turn into another and then another Brax." Summer replied, trying out the whole 'Brax' thing. "Hey is that Kyle?" She said suddenly looking ahead to see their half-brother.

"Don't change the subject..." Brax tried to counter but then followed her gaze to see Kyle looking out to the beach.

"Hey Kyle!" Summer smiled and waved, Brax couldn't understand why the girl was so welcoming of their half-brother.

"Oh, hi Summer." Kyle said nervously as he turned to see his sister and eldest brother approach him.

"What happened to your eye!?" Summer said suddenly, taking hold of his chin and turning his face to see a black eye.

"He found out about my little visit to you guys." Kyle said bitterly pulling away from Summer.

"That looks nasty mate." Brax commented sadly, "Maybe you should get that looked at? Dad's got a hell of a right hook."

The Braxton siblings stood nervously for a minute, Summer couldn't believe that their father had punched Kyle but then again, why was she not surprised? Kyle looked so vulnerable with a black eye and he reminded her of Heath.

"You don't need to put up that scowl with us." Summer said studying Kyle, the scowl wasn't fooling her into believing that he was ok with it. "He used to do it to us too." Brax looked at his little sister suddenly, that was the most openly she'd spoken about it ever. Why was she trusting of Kyle? This could all still be a game of Danny's.

"I heard about the surf club. I honestly didn't know he was like that." Kyle said quietly, his phone buzzed and when he looked down at it, his eyes went wide. "I need to go." He said quickly and left.

"He shouldn't have to go through that too." Summer muttered before walking away.

Brax and Summer continued the rest of the way to school in silence. When they reached the gate, they found Sasha and April waiting for her at the gate. Summer turned and looked at Brax nervously, "You'll be ok kiddo." He said and swept her up into a bear hug but careful not to aggravate her bruised stomach.

" You sure?" Summer whispered into Brax's chest.

"Absolutely. You've got everyone looking out for you kid and I'll be right here to get you at lunch if you want?" Brax said kissing the top of her head and then turning her around and pushing her gently towards her friends.

School had served as a great distraction for Summer and she was starting to feel more relaxed. In fact, as break started she had pushed the events of yesterday from her mind and was sat happily with Sasha and April underneath a tree.

"Are you looking forward to being an auntie Sum?" Sasha asked

"Pardon?" Summer asked, lost in her own daydream as she enjoyed the breeze and shade they had found.

"With Miss Scott having a baby." Sasha said, tapping Summer's head lightly "duh!".

"We'll be auntie's together!" April chimed happily.

"I hadn't thought of it like that!" Summer smiled but they were interrupted as a football rolled towards them. "Boys..." Summer smirked and shook her head as she stood up and picked up the ball.

"You gonna throw it over here baby Braxton?" The kicker shouted and Summer looked up to see if she recognised him. Why would he call her baby Braxton unless he knew her family? Maybe it was one of the River Boys, kicked out of Mangrove River high and sent to Summer Bay? But as she looked at the boy, her eyes fell past him and towards the school fence where she saw Danny Braxton staring at her with a cruel grin on his face.

"Oi Princess!" The guy shouted again and Summer froze, she could feel her breathing become rapid and she closed her eyes. She felt the ball be snatched from her hand and she flinched away from the boy and recoiled sharply.

"Hey Summer, are you ok?" April stood beside, she panicked as her friend began to sweat and hyperventilate.

"I didn't touch her!" The boy shouted.

"Just go and get Miss Scott" April told him and when he didn't leave immediately she shouted, "NOW!"

When Bianca arrived, April had managed to get Summer to sit down against the tree but she was still in the midst of panic. Summer's eyes were darting everywhere and Bianca wondered what had terrified the girl.

"Hey Sum. It's Bianca." Bianca crouched down in front of her sister-in-law, who was trembling.

"Please... don't... Danny... fence" Summer stuttered, her breathing shallow and rapid.

"No one is going to hurt you." Bianca reassured, reaching out to stroke her hair like she'd seen Brax do but it did not have the desired effect. She turned to see where Summer was trying to point and saw that Danny was stood at the fence smirking.

"My chest..." She tried to say and pointed to her chest, Bianca looked down at the terrified girl.

"Does it hurt?" Bianca asked, not really waiting for a response she turned to Sasha, "I'm going to call an ambulance, can you run to Mrs. Palmer and tell her that Summer is having a panic attack and that 'he' is at the perimeter; she'll know what I mean."

With that Sasha scampered off into the school building whilst Bianca called for an ambulance. Panic attacks were something that didn't often require an ambulance but with Summer complaining her chest hurt, her lips starting to tinge blue from hypoxia and her recent stomach injury, Bianca wasn't going to take any chances.

HOME AND AWAYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon