Ep 1 the dark ocean

142 3 1

Location: beach
Time 3:57
Marshaun could be seen with his friends on a beach tho Marshaun was on his lab top working on his hacking skills and other things, when suddenly his computer went statically and shut of

Marshaun: what, come on you price on junk" i said with frustration"
But nothing was happening, Marshaun Sighs and closed his laptop and joined his friend in the water of the beach
Friend1: hay Marshaun you finally decided to join up huh" he said with a smile on his face"
Marshaun: yah my laptop stopped working it went all static like and shut off." I responded"
Friend1: that's strange the Wi-Fi out here is good" he responded"
Marshawn Lost focus of what his friend was saying as he saw something glowing within the water below him Marshawn put on his swim goggles and swam down to see what it was. Marshaun Was met with a strange device, and after picking it up, it turned black

 Marshaun Was met with a strange device, and after picking it up, it turned black

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The black Device attached itself to Marshawn's left hand. Marshanae just had to swing back up to show his friends what he had found but before he could the water or below him began to turn completely jet black and small whirlpool began to form. Marshanae tried his best to start swimming faster but soon enough, the black water sucked him in and then he was gone.
Friend1: hay guy am I the only one who noticed that the war started turning black?" He said with a strange face"
Friend2: That's weird why would the water start turning black there's no squid or octopus. That's my butt out here. "He said in confusion"
Female friend1: guys why Hasn't Marshaun come back up yet?" She said with concern"

All of Marshaun's friends look around, trying to find him, but soon enough, the black water disappears, and Marshaun is nowhere to be seen all of his friends, freak out and run out of the water to get help as they do they run into a group of people
02 and frontiers cast( with out there Digimon)

All of Marshaun's friends look around, trying to find him, but soon enough, the black water disappears, and Marshaun is nowhere to be seen all of his friends, freak out and run out of the water to get help as they do they run into a group of peopl...

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Fusion's cast

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